Is "Swine Flu" the "Media Flu"?

I don’t know the answer to this, but it’s certainly a distinct possibility. I suppose it could be rationalized by the all old saw about being safe rather than sorry, but it will interesting to study the real cause of the spread of this flu if it turns out be a very minor outbreak. A warning bell that this could be more of a “Media Flu” just came (probably inadvertently) from the WHO, which announced that, as of Wednesday morning, there were only 7 documented deaths, not 152, from this “pandemic.” That’s out of a current global population approaching 7 billion. Given that number there must be at least 7 documented mortalities from just about anything in that period of time. [Overeating spinach?-ed. Don’t tell my mother.] We also know that roughly 36,000 Americans die yearly from the “regular” flu. Slow news day or dangerous health hazard? You tell me. (No, I’m not an idiot. I’m not planning a trip to Mexico in the near future – but I wasn’t anyway.)


And speaking of media flu, here’s a little typical reactionary blather from CNN, regarding “patient zero“: Five-year-old Edgar Hernandez credits ice cream for helping him feel better. Edgar and his family live in La Gloria in the state of Veracruz. His mother blames the virus on a huge, U.S.-owned pig farm in their neighborhood. His mother blames the virus on a huge, U.S.-owned pig farm in their neighborhood.

So, according to CNN, it’s the US’ fault. I’m shocked. (Can’t you just imagine the conversation between the reporter and Mrs. Fernande?. “Pero, senora… no requierdo. La finca de puercos es de los gringos, no?”)


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