That's Why They Call It The "Legacy Media"

The WaPo’s David Broder informs us today:

Now that the long-anticipated “Tsunami Tuesday” is almost upon us, the full folly of choosing presidential candidates in what amounts to a national primary has become apparent to everyone.

Voters in 24 states, spanning the continent and ranging in size from California and New York down to Delaware and North Dakota, will cast ballots. They may well settle the Republican nomination and go a long way toward resolving the identity of the Democratic candidate.

Few of those voters will have had more than a quick glimpse of the candidates, who have had little time to devote to the entire country since the last single-state contests in South Carolina and Florida.


Como se dice? What country is Broder living in? We have television and the Internet now. Any citizen with the slightest interest in the candidates has been bombarded by them and their minions for months. Most of us are ready to say “Uncle.” Yet Broder wants more. Perhaps he missed the 17 or so debates where the same questions were asked several dozen times. Some of us are reciting Hillary’s health plan in our sleep… Sheesh.

Broder does have a point, however, later in his article: The middle range of real policy choices — how to proceed next in Iraq or wrestle with runaway health care costs — remains largely unexplored.

Indeed, they do. But I’d like Broder to tell me an election in which they have been. Not in my lifetime.


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