"Deep Throat" - Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You

This lengthy analysis (via LGF) – actually quite fascinating and educational to read – should just about put an end to serious debate over whether we can now call the “Bush National Guard Documents” forgeries. Its author Joseph P. Newcomer quite literally wrote the book on modern computer laser printing and is one of the inventors of desktop publishing.


So moving on to the next question – who dunit? My guess is that many “Deep Throats” will be coming soon. The problem will be to cull them. A man of Rather’s, shall we say, “mildly arrogant behavior” will have made more than one enemy in his life. It’s payback time. The fingerpointing is about to begin.

Don’t look for the mainstream media to use any of its Watergate powers in this search for truth. Their response for the most part will be to soft-pedal this and move on. I have already heard one argument — that “Sixty Minutes” has been dismissible for a long time and no one believed them. Really? To most of America “Sixty Minutes” is the flagship of network news. If they go down five pegs, the rest will go down three. And their competitors know it. Interesting times indeed. Stay tuned.


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