Filmmaker Steven Soderbergh Longs for the Good Old Days When the Last Hitler was in Power

Claudette Barius/Fingerprint Releasing/Bleecker Street via AP

Really, you gotta hand it to leftists. They have the moral sensibilities of the Marquis de Sade, the honesty of, well, Democrat politicians, and the memory of goldfish. How they can go through life without falling into madness, dying their hair blue, and deciding they’re really of the opposite sex is beyond me — oh, wait, a lot of them do exactly those things. Thus it’s appalling and hair-pullingly outrageous, but not surprising in the slightest degree, that the far-left film director Steven Soderbergh is longing for the good old days, when George W. Bush was president. Yeah, you know, Bushitler.


It's not that Soderbergh likes Bush, or thinks that he was a good president. It’s just that leftist ideologues tend to start to admire Republican presidents once they’re safely out of office, after furiously excoriating them throughout every last minute they actually occupied the White House. This process accelerates once a new Republican president takes office and can assume the Hitler mantle from the last Republican, who can then safely become a respected elder statesman. 

Yes, it’s howlingly absurd, but absurdity is the left’s calling card, lifestyle, and sexual preference. Variety interviewed Soderbergh Thursday about his “sleek, sexy and frequently surprising” new movie “Black Bag,” and gave him a chance to vent his rage about Orange Man Bad with this question: “Given your experience making ‘K Street’ and learning about how the Beltway operates, what do you make of the current state of politics under Trump?” 

Soderbergh was ready with a heaping helping of leftist boilerplate about how bad things are now that we have a president who wants to cut taxes, stop inflation, secure the border, ensure the prosperity of American citizens, and not get involved in endless wars all around the giddy globe: “God,” Soderbergh exclaimed, “the George W. Bush-era [sic] seems like the golden age now. Who would have thought we’d find ourselves wishing that things were that simple? You really wonder if it’s the death of metaphor. What are you going to make up that can top this? What we’re watching is crazy.” 


Yeah, it’s crazy, all right. It wasn’t all that long ago that Soderbergh’s golden-age president, George W. Bush, was the focus of evil in the modern world, just as Trump is today. Back in Aug. 2008, Madonna reflected the zeitgeist by releasing a video in which she juxtaposed photos of John McCain and Hitler, inviting the viewer to regard the Republican candidate as just like the Führer. 

Madonna wasn’t by any means alone in this. Comparisons of George W. Bush to Hitler were common. Unfunny leftist comedian Janeane Garofalo called the Bush administration the "43rd Reich." Actor David Clennon said: "I'm not comparing Bush to Adolf Hitler—because George Bush, for one thing, is not as smart as Adolf Hitler. And secondly George Bush has much more power than Adolf Hitler ever had." Yeah, right. None other than George Soros warned that Bush subscribed to the “supremacist ideology of Nazi Germany."  

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Was Steven Soderbergh out in Hollywood and at all the best parties in those days telling his fellow leftists to calm down, that ol’ W wasn’t nearly as bad as they were making out, and that in fact, they should regard his tenure in the Oval Office as a golden age? He was not. It is virtually inconceivable that he had even the smallest positive thought toward Bush as long as was in the White House. It was only with the advent of Trump that George W. Bush started to look good, just as leftists of a slightly older vintage started praising Ronald Reagan, whom they had once regarded with the same contempt, hatred, and fear that they have for Trump today, as a great statesman once the younger Bush became president, and hence became Bushitler. 


Future generations of patriots can enjoy watching this happen again. Once Trump is gone and another Republican has become Hitler, some leftist who is busy today warning about how “our democracy” is in peril and “fascism” is taking over the land will be hailing Trump’s tenure as a time when the air was clear, the water was pure, politicians were honest, and everyone had a spring in his step. Watch for it. When it comes to deception and hypocrisy, the left never fails.

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