On Wednesday, President Trump and Sean Hannity sat down in the Oval Office, right in front of the Resolute desk, for an interview that turned out to be more illuminating than most and served once again as a reminder of what it’s like to have a president with all his faculties intact. In due course, Hannity asked him, “Let’s talk about the moment you walked back in this office, this desk, this room, your carpet. How’d you feel?”
It was a softball question, and Trump could have spoken about how honored he felt, or how he had been charged with a solemn responsibility, or how humbled he was (well, okay, that one is unlikely), or some such. Instead, he gave a decidedly Trumpian answer that succinctly summed up what four years of the Biden regime gave America.
President Trump’s answer:
Well, it was a lot of work, and, as you know, I felt that we shouldn’t have hadda necessarily be here, coulda been done, lotta work, coulda been, uh, it would have been over. We wouldn’t have inflation, we wouldn’t have had the Afghanistan disaster, wouldn’t have October 7 with Israel, where so many people were killed, and you wouldn’t have a Ukraine war going on. But with all that being said, I think it’s bigger. It’s bigger than if it were more traditional.
Trump is 78 years old. The answer was a glimpse into the likelihood that he wishes he had just finished up his second term rather than start it now. It’s understandable that he would be feeling a bit tired, although his energy puts men who are decades younger to shame. After that, however, he offered a swift and efficient list of the major disasters that the Biden regime inflicted upon the nation and the world over the last four years — disasters that he said could have been avoided if he had been president from 2021 to 2025: inflation, the August 2021 Afghanistan debacle, and the wars in Israel and Ukraine.
Trump was right. Israel and Ukraine were attacked because Hamas and Putin calculated that Biden and his handlers were weak and wouldn’t mount any effective response. They calculated correctly. Trump would likely have prevented the abandonment of Bagram airbase and seen to it that an orderly withdrawal of American personnel and materiel was carried out. And inflation didn’t skyrocket until the Biden regime started printing Benjies as if they were supermarket sales fliers.
Trump concluded his response to Hannity by saying that his second term would be “bigger than if it were more traditional,” and that’s true. The Biden regime did a great deal of damage to the United States over the last four years, but now Trump has a unique opportunity to demonstrate even more clearly than he did during his first term that the left’s policies are destructive (intentionally so) and that America-First policies make both the nation and the world safer and more prosperous.
Indeed, Trump has a chance to demonstrate yet again (since it seems to require endless demonstration) that socialism is a comprehensively failed ideology. Multitudes of young Americans have been miseducated and propagandized to think it’s wonderful, but now, if the left fails to thwart Trump one more time and he succeeds in enacting his agenda, it will be unmistakable to the entire world that a strong and free society is preferable to socialism, internationalism, appeasement, and endemic corruption at the highest levels.
Related: If Biden Had Been a Successful President…
This is a tipping point in world history. Many of us thought communism was definitively vanquished when the Soviet Union fell in 1991, and now here it is over thirty years later, and it is the fashionable pose of all the trendiest and most “courageous” intellectuals. Only Donald Trump and his supporters stand between the totalitarians and the biggest prize of all, the United States of America.
Thus, while it’s completely understandable that Donald Trump himself wishes that his job were done by now, he laid out at the same time why he had to come back, and how grateful every patriot should be that he has. Many noted at the beginning of his first term that Trump, as a successful billionaire past retirement age, didn’t have to subject himself to the vicious treatment he has received from the left. And he certainly didn’t have to come back for more of that treatment. But there is a job to be done. A patriot has responded to the call of his countrymen.