Harris Woos Christians With a Cleric Who Is Just What You’d Expect Her to Be

Saul Loeb/Pool Photo via AP

The Harris campaign is working hard to attract the Christian vote. This has gone so far as to portray the candidate, who hasn’t exactly been known for her piety, as a woman of profound faith: “Kamala's life of public service is a reflection of her faith in Christ,” says Evangelicals For Harris, and the leftist intelligentsia, whose contempt for Christianity is abundantly documented, nods sagely. 


Apparently aware that its Saint Kamala act might not fly with the American people, the Harris camp has hired a cleric to convince Christians to vote for Harris and Walz. She is about what you’d expect.

Fox News reported Thursday that Harris hired the Rev. Jennifer Butler, who founded a group called Faith in Public Life, which says that it is working to advance a "moral imperative for a just, inclusive, and equitable country." “Just” isn’t so bad in itself, but those who are used to the left’s rhetorical tricks will spot “inclusive” and “equitable” as red flags. 

For the Harris-Walz camp, “inclusive” means that special preference is given to the left’s protected victim groups, and “equitable” means that you’d better have your checkbook ready to fork over your hard-earned money to the assortment of far-left leeches, con artists, hacks and faddists that President Joy thinks deserve the fruits of your labor more than you do.

Nonetheless, in a Wednesday interview with Religion News Service, Butler insists that she can be a “bridge-builder” between patriotic and leftist Christians. For her, this seems to mean bringing Christians together around a shared hatred of the Bad Orange Man: “I also recognize that we’re at a pivotal moment in American democracy where faith voices for justice are needed now more than ever,” she says. “The Harris-Walz campaign is a really unique opportunity to shift the debate, to engage all of those who are concerned about what a Trump presidency would mean, the work of this campaign, and what it can do to transform America.” It’s a Harris transformation of America in a Marxist direction, not a Trump transformation of the nation into a more stable and secure republic, that worries patriots, but that fact eludes the Rev. Butler. 


Butler is much more concerned about the health of “our democracy,” a phrase that leftists use to refer to their hegemony if Trump wins. In 2022, she declared that "more Christians must step up. We must do more than just watch the January 6th hearings aghast. We cannot allow our faith to continue to be hijacked by white supremacists covered in religious language. For the sake of our faith and our democracy, we must denounce Christian nationalism and reclaim a faith that values and affirms the human dignity of all people. Including our own." Yeah, smearing Trump and his supporters as “insurrectionists” and “white supremacists,” that’s sure to build bridges between patriots and leftists.

Even worse, Butler has claimed that Christianity, the faith she claims to hold, "has long been used to justify the oppression of others," and worse still, she said that this oppression justified by Christianity was happening again with the overturning of Roe v. Wade. "That is not my faith," Butler said piously. "As Christians, particularly as White Christians in this country… we need as Christians to speak more loudly about what our faith – that our faith calls us to resist the pharaohs, the Egyptian kings, the Roman Caesars of our day." 


Sure. Great idea. How about we resist the people who fight for the right to dismember babies in the womb and claim the mantle of Christianity as they do so? If anyone is a new pharaoh or Caesar, it is those people, but they are Butler’s friends and allies, and she isn’t going to utter a word against them.

     Related: Pope Francis: Rejecting Migrants Is a 'Grave Sin'

After this long career of demonizing those whose Christian commitment moves them to think and act differently from the Rev. Jennifer Butler, the good reverend says she is going to reach out to Catholics, Mormons, and others and try to win them over for Harris. Of Mormons, she says, “They’re concerned about religious freedom, and I think we can engage them, because we are the party of freedom.”

There it is again. The party of freedom. The regime that pressured social media giants to censor dissenting voices. The regime that has weaponized the department formerly known as “Justice” in order to frame its principal opponent for anything that will stick. The regime that treated pro-lifers and angry parents at school board meetings as if they were terrorists. That, says Jennifer Butler, is the party of freedom. And if you believe that, you’ll buy the twisted parody of Christianity that she is selling as the real thing as well.



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