
Harris Proves She’s Not Hostile to Israel by Appointing Liaison to Jews Who Hates Israel

AP Photo/Matt Kelley

Kamala Harris, as excited as the left is pretending to be about her these days, faces a number of problems on the gilded pathway to the Oval Office that the establishment media wants us to believe she is traveling. Not least among them is the fact that she is widely perceived, and with good reason, as being unjustifiably hostile to Israel, not just in pursuit of Muslim votes, but out of the collectivist left’s blazing hatred of a state so rooted in particularity as the lone free society in the Middle East. To counter that impression, Harris has just appointed a campaign liaison to the Jewish community. There’s just one catch: he hates Israel, too.

The Washington Free Beacon reported Tuesday that Harris’ new token, er, liaison, Ilan Goldenberg, “has longstanding ties to the anti-Israel group J Street and served as a foreign policy adviser to Elizabeth Warren’s failed 2020 presidential bid. Throughout his professional career, both in and out of government, he has served as a public defender of the Democratic party’s criticisms of Israel, a critic of the GOP’s efforts to strengthen ties with the Jewish state, and a proponent of deepening diplomatic relations with Iran.” All that certainly explains why Harris picked him, but Goldenberg is actually much worse than a garden-variety leftist critic of the Jewish state. 

Goldenberg, in fact, advocated for a policy that led directly to the Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023, as he had urged Israel to bring in large numbers of workers from Gaza — the very workers who observed carefully the areas where they worked and provided Hamas with the details it needed to carry out the Oct. 7 attacks. 

“You used to have 25,000, 100,000 Gazans working inside Israel,” Goldenberg noted and continued, “That needs to happen again. The Israelis know who these guys are. They can start with a few thousand work permits. And there’s a lot of support for that in all of the Israeli communities around Gaza.” 

Investigative journalist Daniel Greenfield points out that this was one time when an analyst’s policies were fully adopted, so their actual results are clear: “That became policy. Gazans flooded Israel, scouted those ‘Israeli communities around Gaza’ and when Oct 7 began, they came back with maps of the communities so that they knew where the security teams were, which houses had dogs, and where the children could be found.”

 As if that weren’t bad enough, Greenfield states that Goldenberg has also proposed that “the United States, UNSCO [the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process], and Egypt should work quietly in concert, engaging with Israel, the PA, Hamas and a ‘long-term ceasefire’ between Israel and Hamas, with Israel accepting that 'Hamas would retain some of its military capabilities.’” The world saw what Hamas’ retaining of some of its military capabilities meant on Oct. 7. That’s why Israel has vowed repeatedly to destroy it utterly, even over the strenuous resistance of the Biden-Harris regime.

        Related: The Latest Biden-Harris Betrayal of Israel Will Make Your Blood Run Cold

None of these statements from Goldenberg or others like them are likely to trouble Harris. She said several weeks ago that pro-Hamas campus demonstrators "are showing exactly what the human emotion should be, as a response to Gaza." She has claimed that Israel is responsible for a "humanitarian catastrophe" in Gaza, ignoring the fact that Hamas has actually stolen the bulk of the aid that has been delivered there.

On Saturday, when Israel took out 31 jihadis in a Hamas command room that was hidden inside a mosque at a school complex, Harris intoned: “Yet again, far too many civilians have been killed.” Yet again, the only source for the claim that any civilians had been killed at all was Hamas, which was been repeatedly caught inflating its casualty figures in order to turn world opinion against Israel. 

Why would Harris so credulously accept Hamas’ word? Because what Hamas says about Israel fits in with her worldview. She has no time for fairness or any kind of intellectual curiosity; her days are full enough lately with the pursuit of raw power.

Anyone who is familiar with Ilan Goldenberg’s record will see his appointment as Harris’ liaison to the Jewish community not as an olive branch from the anointed candidate but as just another insult. There will be many more.


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