
A Modest Proposal for the Dems: I’ve Got Just the Presidential Candidate for You

AP Photo/Bryan Woolston

Nervous Democrat strategists are in full panic mode now that the whole world is aware that Old Joe Biden is not just superannuated but well-nigh incapacitated and that Kamala Harris is unburdened by the pressures of having to formulate coherent statements. 

According to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Swizzlestick), Democrat top dogs don’t want either of them. She revealed to her followers what she claimed was “the straight truth” about what Democrat leaders are saying behind closed doors: “A lot of them are not just interested in removing the president. They are interested in removing the whole ticket.” 

“I don’t know what’s going to happen,” AOC said on Instagram Friday, but she was able to disclose that a “class of donors, decision-makers, power players” are unhappy with both of the Democrat candidates. “I’m going to say what a lot of these people aren’t saying. If you think that there is consensus among the people who want Joe Biden to leave, that they will support Kamala, that they will support Vice President Harris, you would be mistaken.” 

AOC revealed that she herself has also been doing some deep thinking: “I’m looking at a watch, and I’m looking at a clock, and I’m looking at a calendar.” All this meditation on time has led her to a momentous realization: Old Joe Biden is, like, “really old.” So old, in fact, that she clearly appears to be among those who think that the time may have come for him to join Bill Clinton and Barack Obama in the pantheon of leftist heroes who are enjoying a happy and remunerative retirement at the public trough. 

But if both Old Joe and Kamala stop bothering us, who will replace them? Michelle Obama has repeatedly denied having any interest in running. Gavin Newsom has the hair and the glib self-righteousness hauteur that every leftist must have today if he or she or wants to get anywhere, but California is a smoking ruin, a shell of its former self, and Newsom would have a very hard time hiding that. 

Gretchen Whitmer has the same problem with the mess she made of Michigan. Bernie Sanders, who was twice aced out for the nomination by the machinations of leaders of the Party of Democracy, is even older than Biden, and even though the angry old Commie appears to be in full possession of his faculties, it would be a bad look for the Dems to replace Biden because he was too old and replace him with someone even older.

So who does that leave?

Could the Democrat ticket end up headed by…the fighting young “progressive” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez herself? The Constitution stipulates that the president of the United States must be at least thirty-five years old. AOC celebrates her thirty-fifth birthday on Oct. 13, a comfortable three weeks before the election and over three full months before the inauguration. 

AOC is young, passionate, and farther to the left of Uncle Joe Stalin. On top of that, as a Hispanic female, she ticks off two boxes on the left’s DEI bingo card. For leftist strategists, what’s not to like?

In her Friday ruminations, she “expressed anger that Democratic leaders are having the conversation to replace Biden now after refusing to listen to concerns about Biden or allow alternative candidates to have their chance a year ago.” 

     Related: Biden Has Four Options. Which One Will He Choose?

Do you remember AOC voicing concerns about Old Joe’s cognitive decline? Neither do I. But that’s her story, and she’s sticking to it, saying, “This whole class of people who are coming with this other opinion [to drop Biden from the presidential ticket] now has supported the president the entire time, and many of those people are the same people who closed ranks against anyone who even wanted to raise this conversation a year ago.” 

It's audacious, it’s crazy, but it might just work. AOC could position herself as the left’s Cassandra, whose warnings about Biden all these years fell on deaf ears, until the Democrats came to their senses and, overcome with gratitude, dumped Old Joe and Kamala and gave us a real fresh face for 2024: their Cassandra-like socialist from the Bronx.

Throw in someone such as, say, Rep. Cori Bush (D-Lazarus, Come Forth), who is a comfortable and experienced 47, and you’ve got a Democrat dream ticket. DEI? In spades. Passion? Check. Leftist lunacy? By the bucketload. Self-righteousness, arrogance, and anger? Carloads. Common sense? Come on, man! This is the left we’re talking about!


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