Why Would Google Demonetize This Article?

AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez, File

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” and yada yada, but that’s just what the dead white male slaveowners say. In our current far-left kleptocracy, we very much have an established religion, lavishly funded by the U.S. government and celebrated everywhere, although it remains unofficial. Still, it’s official enough that Google, that ruthless and ubiquitous agent of cultural coercion, demonetizes articles that dare to criticize it. 


The remorseless enforcers of groupthink have just demonetized my article “We Actually Do Have an Established Religion, and That’s Not Good,” on the grounds that it contains “unreliable and harmful claims, dangerous or derogatory content.” This is boilerplate from the Google apparatchiks: they gave the same excuse for demonetizing three of Stephen Green’s columns early in November.

In reality, of course, there was nothing unreliable, harmful, dangerous, or derogatory in the article, which was a discussion of how the Biden regime’s financial and other support for the trans madness and other LGBTQ preoccupations give all this delusion and perversion the status of our de facto national established religion. That’s a point I’d be willing to debate in a public forum with any Google Thought Policeman, but of course such a debate will never happen, and my invitation will be ignored.

This is because with Google, there is no discussion, no debate, no dissent. One simply must obey, as one must obey the authorities, however wrongheaded and arbitrary they are, in any totalitarian regime. Google has arrogated to itself the right to determine what is unreliable, harmful, dangerous, and derogatory, and if you disagree, so much the worse for you. Google wonks control the primary means of communication today, and you don’t. The society that they and their colleagues envision for the future is not one that includes questioning the decisions of those who hold the power. One submits and obeys, or one is punished.


Google also recently demonetized two other articles I’ve published here at PJ Media: “Trans Madness Advocate Constructs Fake Bible Passage and a New Jesus in His Own Image” from last September, and one from 2021, “CAIR Demands CPAC Cancel ‘Anti-Muslim’ Speaker Scott Presler.” The first one shows the dishonesty of transgender advocates’ efforts to give their delusions and fantasies a Christian patina, and explains why the trans madness is a new form of an ancient heresy, Gnosticism. The older one is about the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) attempts to silence Presler for daring to criticize the religion that recently motivated and inspired those who perpetrated the Oct. 7 massacre in Israel.

There’s no common thread among these three articles that I can figure out. The bottom line is just that they contain thoughts that the political and media elites don’t want you to think. In "1984," the evil totalitarian regime that controls everything is busy creating a new, strictly limited language, Newspeak, so that it will be impossible to think dissenting thoughts, as there will simply be no words in which to express them.

Our self-appointed guardians of acceptable opinion are working on that project as well, as we can see with efforts to force us to call men by female pronouns if they so demand, but Google is also going Orwell one better. Google comrades are busy narrowing their search engine so that politically unacceptable material doesn’t appear unless one digs for it, and knows what to dig for. Demonetizing articles is part of this. The idea is ultimately to remove all dissident material from the search function altogether, so that unwitting students and others who are looking for information will find the establishment line, and only the establishment line.


This is a massive project, and while it is well underway, it is not complete yet, and there are plenty of things that can happen that could upset the left’s plans. For one thing, there are still dissident publications available, and we haven’t had to start breeding carrier pigeons just yet to get our message out. But there is no doubt that Google wields a massive club, and can cause us immense damage with all these demonetizations, which hamstrings our ability to meet expenses and keep doing our work.

     Related: Pot, Meet Kettle: Kamala Harris Accuses Republicans of ‘Trying to Silence’ Voters

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