
After Four Mass Shootings in California, Newsom Moves to Limit Citizens’ Ability to Protect Themselves

AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes

It’s easy to see why an increasing number of Democrats think California Commissar Gavin Newsom would be a good candidate for president in 2024: he wages relentless, unyielding war against ordinary Americans on every front imaginable, doing his best every single day to make the citizens of his once-great state ever poorer and less safe. Now, in response to the recent spate of mass shootings in the Golden State, Newsom has vowed to crack down on concealed carry. We can’t have Californians able to protect themselves against the violent maniacs who increasingly dominate the streets of Newsom’s rapidly emptying socialist paradise, now, can we?

Last Saturday, CNN reported on “California’s fourth mass shooting in a week,” in which “three people were killed and at least four injured in a shooting in Los Angeles.” Before that, on January 21, “a gunman entered a dance studio in Monterey Park, in metro Los Angeles, and killed 11 people. Seven people were killed Monday on farms in Half Moon Bay in northern California. Hours later, five people were shot in Oakland. One man, 18, died.”

In response to this out-of-control violence, Governor Presidential Timber on Wednesday, according to the Sacramento Bee, “revived a plan to strengthen the state’s concealed carry gun law.” That’s right: his response to a crime wave is to make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves. If Gavin Newsom actually wanted Californians to be victims of gun violence (which is all too often committed by people who couldn’t care less what the gun laws are, and didn’t obtain their weapons through legal channels in the first place), what would he be doing differently from what he is doing now?

This latest effort to disarm Californians in the face of rising chaos and mayhem comes after the Supreme Court tried to inject some sanity into the Land of Fruits and Nuts: “a June 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision struck down key provisions of the state’s law.” Newsom isn’t standing for that. On Wednesday, he gathered together a gaggle of leading California Democrats and Second Amendment opponents and attributed his decision to render Californians defenseless to the recent mass shootings. “We’re saving lives,” Newsom declared counterfactually, “but we have more work to do on this effort.” Of course. Not every Californian who respects the law is completely defenseless yet.

Newsom generously “acknowledged that a concealed carry law wouldn’t prevent every gun death in California,” but he claimed that his new regulations were would help the state go about “‘solving for a pattern’ of gun violence, including suicides, domestic violence and police killings.” Newsom “cited a June 2022 study from the National Bureau of Economic Research that found right-to-carry laws increase firearm homicides by 13% and violent crimes committed with a gun by 29%.”

Studies can be made to support virtually any position, however, and the Gun Facts website (“We are neither pro-gun nor anti-gun. We are pro-math and anti-B.S.”) notes that statistics show that in these states [that is, those that protect the right to bear arms] the crime rate fell (or did not rise) after the right-to-carry law became active.” In fact, “gun homicides were 10% higher in states with restrictive CCW [carrying a concealed weapon] laws, according to a study spanning 1980-2009.”

Related: Get Ready for Another Cynical, Useless, Gun-Control Push by Democrats

Newsom, however, compared his new gun crackdown favorably to a Florida measure allowing citizens to carry guns without a permit. “That’s a reckless approach,” Newsom scolded Floridians, “that endangers everyone and will lead to more deaths.” Gun Facts, however, pointed out that “after passing their concealed carry law, Florida’s homicide rate fell from 36% above the national average to 4% below.”

California State Sen. Anthony Portantino (D-What Else?) insisted: “We’re not taking someone’s Second Amendment right. We’re ensuring that the Second Amendment is properly applicable to people who weren’t getting a concealed carry permit.” Yeah, sure, that’s it. Sam Paredes of Gun Owners of California isn’t buying it. He said that Newsom’s new restrictions were a “direct violation of the direction the Supreme Court gave.” Paredes added: “I can’t help but chuckle. They cannot restrain themselves from trying to circumvent the Supreme Court’s very clear decision.”

Of course they can’t. That’s how the Left operates. When the courts, or the voters, dare to go against their agenda, they don’t get a clue and begin to moderate. The people, you see, just don’t know what’s good for them. So they double down and start hammering away at their agenda all the more energetically and keep on pushing until they finally put it over. Patriots need to learn to be just as persistent in defending freedom.


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