Barely Coherent Biden Boasts That Infrastructure Plan Money Will Be Wasted As Specified

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Old Joe Biden convened a Cabinet meeting on Friday afternoon, and even the transcript, which presumably has been cleaned up a bit for clarity, provides a picture of a barely coherent Potemkin president, hardly able to complete a sentence as he labors to assure the American people that the money we are going to be forced to spend on his bloated and massively corrupt infrastructure plan will be used exactly as specified. Yeah, that’s the problem.


Biden stumbles right out of the gate, struggling to deliver even his introductory remarks about Kamala Harris’ presence by phone from France: “Well, I want to thank you all for being here.  I want to thank Vice President Harris, who is on the line. I asked her to go to Paris to meet with Macron — with President Macron — and to work on some things relating to Libya and a few other things. And — and thanks. I — Madam Vice President, in a little while, after this is over, maybe we can talk and see how things are going okay for you. All right?”

All right. But how are things going okay for Biden himself? The faux president did then recover himself a bit and delivered a sentence flawlessly, although the sentence itself was dubious at best: “And we’ve gathered my Cabinet this afternoon at a moment of immense hope and possibility, in our view, for the United States.”

Hope and possibility? The only hope and possibility the American people have right now is that this regime might be rendered powerless in 2022 and sent packing in 2024. In the meantime, how bad can things get, culturally, societally, militarily, economically, politically? Strap in and brace yourself, because we haven’t hit bottom yet.

“The American people,” Old Joe continued implausibly, “sent us here to deliver. The American people said they sent us here to make their government work, and they sent us here to make a difference in their lives. And I believe we’re doing that. I believe that’s just what we’re doing.” Did the American people really vote for galloping socialism, racial division, and a legally untouchable elite class? Doubtful, but anyway, that’s what we have.


And so: “On Monday, I look forward to signing into law the Infrastructure Act — the Investment and Jobs Act, which we’ll do outside, God willing, if the weather — the weather holding.” He claimed that the bill “represents critical investments that are long overdue in our country — from rebuilding our roads and highways, to getting rid of the lead pipes; delivering clean water to thousands of fam- — tens — actually, millions of people around the nation; to making high-speed Internet accessible to every American, rural and urban; to forfitin- — to fortifying our bridges and powerlines and levees that stand up to the increasing threats posed by extreme weather and super storms. And we have $99 billion worth of losses just this year because of the consequence of those environmental events. To fortifying our bridges, our power lines, as I said, and our levees.”

Related: BREAKING: House Passes Infrastructure Vote, Hands Biden Legislative Victory

Got that? He’s going to fix not only our highways but our weather. He’s going to provide every American family with a five-gallon jug of snake oil. And he’s going to do it with marvelous efficiency: “But also to — one of our biggest responsibilities is to make sure all the money is used efficiently and effectively. And I have a lot of experience in doing that.  I — when the — when I was Vice President, I was given the responsibility of overseeing, as my — now running the Vets Department, but my — the former — the former chief of staff of — I was saying here to Denis, who can tell you — of implementing the Recovery Act, which was nearly $9 billion in stimulus pack- — $900 billion stimulus package. And in the process, I’m proud to say we were able to — the President gave me the authority — which I will be signing as well — the — to use whatever assets the federal government had — any personnel in the federal government.  And we put together a good team because we — when we finished implementing the Recovery Act, it was determined that it had less than two tenths of 1 percent waste or fraud. Period.”


Yes, that’s really what the transcript says. President Demento is trying to tell us that he has lots of experience spending taxpayer money efficiently, and he’s going to do it again now: “I was — that’s how I became known. The President started calling me ‘Sheriff Joe,’ but — from President Obama at the time. Because I made it a point, every day, to stay on top of how exactly the money was spent, what projects were being built, what projects were not being built, and how it was functioning. And it was one of the most efficient implementations of a major program in modern American history.”

Well, great. But besides wasting billions to fight “climate change” that has never been conclusively proven to be soluble by federal programs, the plan, according to Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) “perpetuates a labor shortage” by continuing “welfare benefits without work requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents at a time where there are 10.1 million job openings — more openings than there are people looking for work.” He adds: “It’s mind-blowingly corrupt.”

And Old Joe is going to make sure personally that the money is wasted just the way he told us it would be. How reassuring!

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