Harris Continues to Lie About Her Role in the Border Disaster

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Kamala Harris fulfills the old saw about politicians: you can tell she's lying because her lips are moving.

This is especially true about the Biden-Harris record on the border. It's not just that 8 million people crossed the border and entered the U.S. illegally in the first three years of Biden-Harris incumbency. It's not just that criminals, terrorists, sex traffickers, drug dealers, and massive amounts of illegal drugs came through our wide-open border. And it's not just that it could have been prevented with intelligent policies from Washington.


The problem is that Harris is lying about it and pretending everything is fine.

“There was a historic flood of undocumented immigrants coming across the border the first three years of your administration,” asked CBS "60 Minutes" reporter Bill Whitaker. “As a matter of fact, arrivals quadrupled from the last year of President Trump. Was it a mistake to loosen the immigration policies as much as you did?”

“It’s a long-standing problem. And solutions are at hand. And from Day One, literally, we have been offering solutions,” Harris said.

Solutions are "at hand" and she's been offering solutions from "Day One"? It got even more untrue.

“What I was asking was, was it a mistake to kind of allow that flood to happen in the first place?” Whitaker said.

“I think the policies that we have been proposing are about fixing a problem, not promoting a problem,” Harris replied.

“But the numbers did quadruple under your watch,” he started to say before she interrupted him.

“And the numbers today, because of what we have done, we have cut the flow of illegal immigration by half. We have cut the flow of fentanyl by half. But we need Congress to be able to act to actually fix the problem,” Harris said.


The numbers are down today because Harris and Biden had to be dragged kicking and screaming into adopting many Trump-era restrictions that Biden called "cruel" and "inhumane."

American Spectator:

When Whitaker asked Harris why she completely flipped her positions on the border, fracking, and Medicare for All, Harris responded that she has spent the past four years going across the country and talking to people from various backgrounds, so she came to value compromise. Short, truer version: “We’re not just in California anymore.”

Politically, that’s a good thing.

Yet when Whitaker asked Harris how she accounted for the fact that millions of Americans support Trump, whom she calls a racist, Harris had no answer, only talking points.

“I believe that the people of America want a leader who’s not trying to divide us and demean. I believe that the American people recognize that the true measure of the strength of a leader is not based on who you beat down, it’s based on who you lift up,” she said.

Any questions about why Harris avoided doing interviews with anyone but friendly sex therapists and worshipping radio hosts were answered by that CBS interview. It was cringe-worthy, eye-rolling, and shockingly incoherent all at the same time.


She's had several questions teed up by friendly interviewers about what she would do differently than Biden and flubbed them all.

“There is not a thing that comes to mind in terms of — and I’ve been a part of most of the decisions that have had an impact,” she said on "The View." She has no clue that a statement like that could cost her the election. 

America doesn't want a "more of the same" candidate. 


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