
Traffickers Pose as Parents, Drug and Smuggle Children as Young as 8

AP Photo/Gregory Bull

Smugglers posing as parents are bringing children as young as 8 years old into the U.S. for unknown reasons. The fact that the kids are drugged before being trafficked suggests the kids may be part of a forced labor racket or are being trafficked for sex.

The Border Patrol reports that they are seeing increasing numbers of traffickers posing as parents or other members of the family. How commonplace this horrific practice is can't be estimated.

The kids are "recycled" with the same children crossing the border but with different "parents."

“A few years ago when they were coming in en masse, we had to let family units in. People kept coming in and after a while we noticed the kids were the same, but the parents were different. They were recycling the kids,” one Border Patrol source told the New York Post.

“I hate thinking about it because there were thousands of kids and who knows where they all ended up,” the source explained.

It doesn't even have to be adults posing as the kid's "parents." So-called "sponsors" have been found to be bogus because the Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) does such an awful job vetting the "sponsors." 

“Sometimes we encounter criminal actions so horrendous they defy human decency,” said Gregory Bovino, the Border Patrol chief of California’s El Centro sector in the southeast of the state, in response to the case.

Just weeks earlier, on Aug. 29, officers manning a port of entry in San Luis, Arizona, caught Marlen Contreras-Lopez — a 28-year-old US citizen and Arizona resident— with two young children in her car who had been drugged with sleep aids, according to federal prosecutors.

At first, Contreras-Lopez claimed she was related to the children, who she tried to wake during the officers’ questioning, according to court documents.

Then, when she got out of the car for further inspection, officers observed that one of the kids had to be carried, while the other “struggled to walk,” according to the court documents.

“The woman had difficulty waking the children. Officers observed that the children remained extremely groggy. While interviewing the children, officers soon discovered there was no family relationship between the woman and the two minors, ages 11 and 8,” said Executive Assistant Office of Field Operations Commissioner Diane J. Sabatino in a post on X.

That's only part of this scandal. Since 2021, there have been more than 470,000 unaccompanied minors entering the U.S., and the Biden administration has lost track of 320,000 of them.

Tara Rodas, a former HHS employee, told the Post that she was shocked to find she was handing those children to “traffickers, members of transnational criminal organizations, bad actors, bad, bad, bad people.”

“At the very beginning of the Biden administration, they stripped all the vetting out of the process,” Rodas said.

Biden was terrified of media coverage of the border crush, especially the unaccompanied children. He ordered DHS to shuffle the kids off-stage by not vetting the sponsors adequately. Indeed, most of the children ended up with sponsors who were never interviewed by HHS.

Rodas told a House panel last month that one case she saw involved a 16-year-old migrant girl who was sponsor who claimed to be her older brother.

“He was touching her inappropriately. It was clear her sponsor was not her brother,” Rodas said, noting that the girl “looked drugged” and as if “she was for sale” on her sponsor’s social media postings.

Some non-family sponsors have even been found to be sponsoring multiple children released by HHS, which Rodas described as a “red flag.”

It's a safe bet that the Biden administration doesn't want to know how many children are working in sweatshops or have been made into sex slaves by criminals. They are responsible for children suffering unspeakable indignities because of their utter failure to manage the border. 


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