J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk Targets of a Harassment Lawsuit by Algerian 'Female' Boxer Imane Khelif

AP Photo/John Locher

Imane Khelif, the Algerian Olympic boxer who fought as a female despite possessing the XY chromosomes of a man, has filed suit against Elon Musk and Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling for "harassment."


Mr./Ms. Khelif alleges that Rowling and Musk said mean things about him/her online, which constitutes bullying. What hitting girls in the head constitutes, Khelif wouldn't say.

Nabil Boudi, Khelif’s attorney, says the suit was filed against X and that even Donald Trump might be "looked at" in connection with the lawsuit. Trump has posted once on X in three years.

J.K. Rowling, however, made her objections known forcefully.

International Olympics Committee President Thomas Bach called such reactions "hate speech." “The Algerian boxer was born female, was registered female, lived her life as a female, has a female passport,” Bach said in a press conference last week.

Former collegiate swimmer Riley Gaines wrote, “Men don’t belong in women’s sports #IStandWithAngelaCarini.” Carini is the Italian boxer who was pummelled into submission by Khelif in just 46 seconds.


Rowling and Musk's gooses are truly cooked now.


In a statement sent to Variety, the Paris Prosecutor’s Office (National Center for the Fight Against Online Hatred), confirmed it received the complaint filed by Khelif and announced that an investigation had been launched. “On Aug. 13, (The National Center for the Fight Against Online Hatred) contacted the OCLCH (Central Office for the Fight Against Crimes Against Humanity and Hate Crimes) to conduct an investigation into the counts of cyber harassment due to gender, public insult because of gender, public incitement to discrimination and public insult because of origin.”

Have you ever seen so many scary, useless organizations devoted to censoring independent thought?

Note that not one of those charges relates to anything violent. Hurt feelings? Haul someone into court because you've got thin skin.

How did the human race survive into the 21st century?

Boudi said that although the complaint mentions names, “What we’re asking is that the prosecution investigates not only these people but whoever it feels necessary. If the case goes to court, they will stand trial.”

Boudi also claimed that while the lawsuit was filed in France, “it could target personalities overseas,” pointing out that “the prosecutor’s office for combating online hate speech has the possibility to make requests for mutual legal assistance with other countries.” He added that there were agreements with the U.S. equivalent of the French office for combating online hate speech.


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If Khelif wants to call himself/herself a woman in life, that's none of my business or anyone else's. But climbing into a ring and pretending everything is normal and you are fighting women on equal footing who don't possess your physique or musculature, that is where I and most others draw the line.


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