Kamala and Every Other Democrat Polled Beats Biden Against Trump

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

Two polls out in the last 48 hours contain more devastating news for Joe Biden. 

An Emerson poll out today shows Trump leading the race nationally by six points which is beyond the margin of error. But the swing state polls are brutal for the president. Trump is up 10 points in Arizona, six points in Pennsylvania, and three points up in Nevada, Wisconsin, and Michigan. 


His path to 270 electoral votes has narrowed to the point where it's darn near invisible.

However, the devastating news for Biden comes in a BlueLabs Analytics polling memo distributed to the Democratic Party that discovered several Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Harris, outpolled the president against Donald Trump.

“Nearly every tested Democrat performs better than the President. This includes Vice President Kamala Harris who runs better than the President,” the survey concluded.

Harris was no better in the end. She ran behind Democrats like Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.), Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-Mich.), and Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-Pa.).

“However, alternative candidates are also pulling votes from Donald Trump. All candidates continue to hold the Democratic base,” it continues.

The BlueLabs poll had a huge sample size of more than 15,000. That doesn't matter as much as how the various elements are weighted. But the survey shows that Trump is going to be difficult to beat with Biden at the top of the ticket.

“Democrats are so desperate to dump Biden they are putting out a massive sample size survey that proves Trump is really hard to beat at this point,” GOP pollster Brent Buchanan said of the memo’s release.


“Dems can’t spend enough to prop up a new candidate on the national stage while a fully-defined Trump emerges from the RNC convention united and poised to outspend and take on whoever Dems put up.”

Meanwhile, a YouGov internet poll tried to measure voter enthusiasm for both candidates. At this point, 51% of Trump supporters are "extremely enthusiastic" in supporting him while another 21% were "very enthusiastic." For Biden, the numbers were 37% extremely enthusiastic and 15% very enthusiastic.

The "enthusiasm gap" is back with a vengeance. It doesn't always translate into votes, but it's a positive sign nonetheless.

Finally, a Reuters/Ipsos poll shows Trump leading by three, but the cross tabs reveal an electorate worried about election violence and that the nation is "spiraling out of control."

Most Americans are concerned about acts of political violence. However, more Americans are concerned about acts of violence against people in their community for their political beliefs (67%) than for their religious beliefs (58%). 

Americans are very concerned about acts of violence throwing the country into chaos, with 86% of Americans concerned and 56% of Americans very concerned. Similarly, there is widespread worry among the public that Americans will resort to violence instead of coming together peacefully to solve disagreements (57% very concerned, and 87% total concern).

Most (79%) say the country is spiraling out of control and 47% say the mainstream media is biased and should be punished.

Most say Trump was very lucky to have survived the assassination attempt, with one-third of Americans agreeing that he was favored by divine providence.


This does not reflect well on the incumbent president. People are scared for the future. And when voters are scared, they're more likely to demand change than maintain the status quo.


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