Secret Service Says They Destroyed a Tape of Biden's Dog Splattering Agent's Blood at the White House

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Poor, Commander. The Biden's dog never became acclimated to the White House and eventually was sent off to live in Delaware "with friends." 

I hope they don't have children.


Presidential dogs are usually a docile bunch. LBJ had a beagle that he used to pick up by his ears. That the dog never turned around and bit him says a lot about the dog's gentle nature. FDR's beloved Fala was, by all accounts, a sweetheart. Gerald Ford's retriever Liberty was a favorite in the Ford family, especially after she gave birth to puppies in the White House.

But Joe Biden has raised two of the most vicious, unfriendly, even savage dogs in the history of the White House. His first dog Major was "known for displaying agitated behavior on multiple occasions, in the past including 'jumping, barking, and charging' at staff and security." He bit at least one Secret Service agent before being hustled off to live with friends.

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The Biden's second German Shepherd, Commander, could have killed someone. In one incident documented by the Secret Service, Commander lit out after one agent and attacked, clamping down on the agent's arm and spilling so much blood that the White House had to cancel tours, according to records obtained by the Daily Mail in an FOIA request.


The attack was caught on video, but when the Daily Mail requested the recording, the Secret Service said it had been deleted.

“Due to Secret Service retention standards, the above mentioned file(s) has been destroyed,” Secret Service FOIA Officer Kevin Tyrrell wrote to the Daily Mail.

New York Post:

The tape was described in previously reported records as showing Commander “run at a high rate of speed towards [the agent and] jump towards [the agent] and take [them] to the ground.”

The agent “sustained an injury to [their] left arm (‘deep bite’) that reportedly needed stitches” and “East Wing Tours were stopped for approximately 20 minutes due to blood from the incident being on the floors in the area of the [lobby connecting the East Wing to the White House],” those records say.

Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi told the outlet that “I am assuming the record in question is no longer available because of the expiration of record retention,” as opposed to deliberate deletion to conceal the images from the public, but said he lacked “direct knowledge.”

"Expiration of record retention" — in the immortal words of "Independence Day" defense secretary Albert Nimzicky speaking of what's at Area 51, "That's not entirely accurate." 


However, records made public Friday by Judicial Watch show that in at least one instance, Secret Service members were asked to delete logs of an attack within an hour of it happening.

That instruction came on Sept. 25, 2023, after an EMT was requested to treat a bitten agency member, who was injured so badly that communications show they may have required hospitalization.

An email titled “LOG: DOG BITE (09-25-2023)” describes the reporting of that attack at 8:06 p.m. followed by a request for the Joint Operations Center’s logs to be deleted at 8:58 p.m.

Commander was sent to live with "friends" shortly afterward on Oct. 5. There were 24 such incidents while the beast was living at the White House.


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