The Left Sees a Trump Dicatorship Because It Has No Faith in America

AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

If you think there's been an uptick in media stories that portray Donald Trump as a wannabe dictator, you'd be right. In truth, it's hard to miss. 

It's like someone flipped a switch and the entire left-wing, media propaganda complex went into overdrive. Here's just a sampling from a cursory Google search of "Trump" and "dictator."


"Coup bombshell: Trump busted for 'dictator' plot as trials loom," warns MSNBC.

"A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending," is a six-thousand-word piece of hysterical bombast from Washington Post's Robert Kagan covered by PJ Media's Stephen Kruiser.

"Top conservative says Donald Trump will be Julius Caesar-esque DICTATOR if he wins in 2024," screeched The Daily Mail quoting Chris Christie, who didn't think that way of Trump in 2017.

"Plans to install Trump as dictator in 2024 are out in the open," cried the People's World, the Communist Party's organ in the U.S. Maybe we should be worried. If anyone knows about dictatorships, it's the commies.

"Donald Trump Is Plotting to Make Himself Dictator," says the American Prospect, the House organ of the Democratic Party.

The left-wing media complex must think we forgot that it did the same thing in 2016. What's changed?

Donald Trump is winning.

The 2020 election was unlike any presidential election since the 1864 contest between Lincoln and George McClellan. Then, it was the Civil War that roiled American politics. In 2020, the pandemic overturned established norms and raised questions about the validity of the outcome. Joe Biden hid in his basement to dramatize the deadly nature of COVID-19. It was silly, of course. Some precautions were probably necessary for him given his age. But for the rest of Americans, the media amplified COVID theater.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton was seen as a certain winner. The media mocked Trump relentlessly, thinking that was the way to destroy him. Their attacks only made him stronger. The shock of Trump's win has carried over into 2024 to the point where the left-wing media is holding nothing back. We're still almost a year from the election, and the anti-Trump hysteria has hit a fever pitch. 


The Atlantic, the granddaddy of American long-form magazine writing, claims that "Since 1857, The Atlantic has been challenging assumptions and pursuing truth." It is singlehandedly trying to prevent an American dictatorship. That's what it wants you to think, anyway.

The magazine has devoted an entire issue to trying to convince voters that Donald Trump would establish a dictatorship in America if he's elected again.

How is he going to do it? Well, The Atlantic is kind of fuzzy in that department. 

"America survived the first Trump term, though not without sustaining serious damage. A second term, if there is one, will be much worse," says Jeffrey Goldberg, editor-in-chief of The Atlantic.

I don't know about you, but I want this guy to pick my stocks for me. Anyone who can see the future with that much clarity is worth his weight in gold.

That's the premise of the entire issue of The Atlantic. As far as the "damage" Trump did in his first term, Trump's efforts to circumvent the Constitution failed as miserably as FDR's efforts to destroy it. Then and now, the Constitution of the United States has proven to be far more resilient than the left gives it credit for being.

And that's the left's major problem. It has lost faith in what the Constitution really means, what it stands for, and most importantly how it acts as a guardrail to curb excess appetites for power in the executive and legislative branches. 

It has also lost faith in its fellow countrymen. Leftists believe they're the only ones who see a danger with Trump as president. The rest of us are ignorant hicks who don't understand these deep, deep, deep issues. We need to be instructed on how to protect democracy, forgetting that it's mostly red-state young men who join the military, go to war, and die to protect the left's ability to be insufferably arrogant.


The left has spent the last 75 years trying to find ways around the Constitution. Leftists see it as an impediment to achieving "social justice." Now that they think that Trump is threatening the Constitutional order, they get hysterical. Only their way of tearing down the Constitution is acceptable. If anyone else tries it, it's an attempt to establish a dictatorship.

My disdain for Trump is well-known on this site. But I look at Trump's first term and fail to see how his second term could morph into a dictatorship. Ignore the Constitutional guardrails? The left argues that nothing will happen to Trump if he simply defies the law. That presupposes that his aides and the entire executive branch would do his bidding because they're scared of him. And that Trump issuing executive orders means they will automatically be followed. 

With no faith in the Constitution and no faith in the American people, of course, the left-wing media complex is going to get hysterical about Trump establishing an American dictatorship.

How many reporters, or Trump's political "enemies," were thrown in jail when he was president? How many newspapers were closed? How many TV stations went dark? How many activists "disappeared" or were sent to prison on trumped-up charges? They're all still free to issue their solemn warnings of a Trump dictatorship.

What leftists don't realize is that every time they issue these dire warnings of catastrophe, Trump increases his support. For every indictment, Trump's favorable ratings rose. It's not a polling glitch. It's that most people despise left-wing elites telling them they're too stupid to hate Trump as much as they do and too dense to see the danger he poses.


Keep it up, and by election day, Trump will win in a landslide.


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