Here's a Smattering of the Usual Love and Compassion From the Left After a Tragic School Shooting

Khalil Hamra

It’s as predictable as a leftist kneeling during the National Anthem before a ballgame. After every mass shooting — especially tragic school shootings — leftists vie with each other to see who can author the most outrageous, the most mean-spirited, the most unfeeling, uncaring, despicable loutish commentary possible.


It’s almost getting to the point that some of the liberal commentators are saying the exact same thing over and over, and they simply plug in the date, time, number of casualties, the school name, and the state. This is especially true when the tragedy occurs in a red state.

The left is blaming Republicans in Tennessee for the tragedy. They’re also blaming (as usual) guns and people who support the Second Amendment. Some are even blaming Christians. I guess the lives of six Christians don’t count for much when trying to politicize a tragedy to “own” the right.

Republican Tennessee is not to blame for what happened in Nashville. Christians were not to blame either. Nor were people who support Second Amendment rights or oppose giving young children hormone blockers. In fact, the idiocy of trying to blame anyone but a horribly disturbed woman who was tragically conflicted about her gender is self-evident — at least to reasonable, rational people who aren’t enslaved by an ideology that demands adherence to an anti-intellectual rigidity of thought.

The Federalist:

During her remarks in Monday’s White House press briefing, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre not only used the shooting to call for increased gun control, but appeared to blame the tragedy on Republicans.

“How many more children have to be murdered before Republicans in Congress will step up and act to pass the assault-weapons ban?” she asked.


KJP has never been known for her subtlety — or her devotion to the truth.

My brother Terry Moran (whom I love dearly) really stepped in it when he tried to connect the shootings to the recent passage of legislation to protect kids from experimental transgender surgeries, wrong-sex hormones, and drag shows. Not a shred of evidence even suggests a connection — only hysterical assumptions based on faulty premises.

Even more fantastical, Benjamin Ryan of NBC News tried to connect the Daily Wire website, which is based in Nashville, to the shootings.

In a now-deleted tweet, independent reporter and NBC News contributor Benjamin Ryan attempted to correlate the shooting with the fact that The Daily Wire, a conservative news outlet, is based in Nashville.

“Nashville is home to the Daily Wire, a hub of anti-trans activity by @MattWalshBlog, @BenShapiro, and @MichaelJKnowles,” Ryan wrote.

This is what happens when groupthink takes over and people begin to attempt to one-up each other in an effort to stand out in the crowd. Ryan’s reach so far exceeded his grasp that he ended up deleting the tweet.


MSNBC’s Hayes Brown is jealous of Americans who own guns. He says the reason there are so many of them is that the rubes think guns are “cool.”

MSNBC Opinion Writer Hayes Brown took a page from Griffin’s playbook and politicize the tragedy. In his column, Hayes bizarrely argued that “much of [America’s] gun policy is presaged on the idea that guns are cool,” and “[t]hat was the unspoken understanding behind the rapid spread of the AR-15.”

Republicans “think that their toys, their totems of masculinity, their props for playing the hero, are more important than the lives lost,” he wrote.

Where do leftists come up with this crap?

One might ask the same question of Huffington Post Senior Reporter Josephine Harvey, who bizarrely took Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.) to task in an article for a Christmas card photo of his family all holding guns.


The common thread running through this commentary is that guns are bad. More than that, guns are intrinsically bad, and no matter the context, advocating for their possession or showing an interest in them is not just wrong, it’s evil.

This is why the left is terrified of guns. And why they will never give up trying to ban them.


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