Democrats in New York Have Suddenly Remembered What a Woman Is

AP Photo/Hans Pennink, File

Democrats have been arguing vociferously over the last few years that gender is an artificial device invented to oppress transgender people and that women can’t really be defined.


Funny how they’ve suddenly remembered how to define a woman — just in time to appeal to females for their vote.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul is the first woman to be governor in the state’s history. At least, she’s the first person who identifies as “female” to be governor. On Thursday, Hochul appeared on stage with Vice President Kamala Harris and former Secretary of State and New York Senator Hillary Clinton, thus driving home the point that female voters should cast their ballots for Hochul just because she’s a woman.

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The New York Post’s Karol Markowicz had some fun with the irony of appealing to women for the vote while refusing to define what a woman is.

The “women” mostly talked abortion, since apparently that’s all we little ladies care about anyway — and not crime, inflation, quality of life or the way test scores plummeted in regions of the country, like New York, where Democrats kept schools needlessly closed during the pandemic. “To all of you but particularly to the women of New York: This is our moment,” Hochul said.

Women can be forgiven for wondering what exactly that moment entails. Hochul shrugs off crime in New York, Harris is part of an administration that keeps trying to spend its way out of inflation, and Hillary Clinton exists on the national stage mostly to insult us into voting for Democrats, as she did last week when she said voters “don’t really understand” what’s at stake in the midterms. Maybe they do understand and want to vote out the candidate using womanhood as a political weapon and treating half the population like some tiny special-interest group. Maybe they understand perfectly.


Ayaan Hirsi Ali questioned the wisdom of using those women as role models.

“Lee Zeldin is running on and is going to win on tough-on-crime policies,” argued House Republican Conference Chairwoman Rep. Elise Stefanik. “He will announce a crime emergency in New York State on day one when he’s sworn into office. And I will tell you, there is huge momentum not just from Republican voters, but from Democrats and independents as well who want to see a change in New York State.”

Stefanik had some choice words for Hillary Clinton and her accusations of Republican fear-mongering on crime.

Stefanik responded and said this is not a scare tactic but just the reality facing New Yorkers, “people are scared because of the crime crisis in New York State. And it’s not just in the city, it’s all across New York state. It’s upstate cities, even in my district in [northern New York].”

Stefanik reiterated how Hochul chose to keep policies in place that have made the state less safe.

“We need to take back our streets, which is why law enforcement is strongly supporting Lee Zeldin. Kathy Hochul has absolutely no solution. She had an opportunity to repeal failed bail reform, and she didn’t do it.”


It’s going to take a little more than declaring a crime emergency and reforming the “no bail” law to begin to address the crime wave in New York. But it’s a damn good start. Hochul could resurrect the ghost of Eleanor Roosevelt, Dolly Madison, and Jackie O, and it still wouldn’t make New York women safer.


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