Despite Near-Record Homicides, Philadelphia DA Proclaims No 'Crisis of Crime'

(AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

Larry Krasner, the Soros-backed District Attorney in Philadelphia, wants everyone in the city to know that he’s got things under control. Sure, there’s been a record spike in homicides, but besides that, everything in Philly is just peachy.


“We don’t have a crisis of lawlessness, we don’t have a crisis of crime, we don’t have a crisis of violence,” the district attorney told reporters at a Monday press conference. “It’s important that we don’t let this become mushy and bleed into the notion that there is some kind of big spike in crime. There isn’t. There is not a big spike in crime. … There is not a big spike in violent crime. Neither one of these things is true.”

For our VIPs: Some Democrats Deny the Crime Wave is Occurring

Krasner is right, in a twisted sort of way. There is less crime in the city because the Soros-backed prosecutor isn’t prosecuting many crimes that were once considered “criminal.”

Heritage Foundation:

The Krasner memo required his assistant district attorneys to radically change the way they approach their job, including the following orders:

  • Decline to charge four categories of crimes.
  • Charge lower gradations of crimes (to make sure no bail is required).
  • Divert more cases, including drug distribution.
  • Make plea offers that are at the bottom of the state’s guidelines.
  • Inform the judge at sentencing proceedings about the financial cost to the state for each year of incarceration.
  • Request shorter probation and parole periods.
  • Request no more than six months for a technical parole violation (no matter how much “back up time” the offender has).
  • Request no more than two years for a regular parole violation (regardless of back up time available).
  • Charge no parole violation for a positive marijuana test or if the parolee is caught with marijuana.

So Krasner wasn’t lying when he claimed there was “no crisis of crime.” Technically, he’s right. He just wasn’t telling the whole truth.

At any rate, Krasner’s statement that there is no spike in violent crime in Philadelphia was challenged by former Democratic mayor Michael Nutter, who took to the editorial pages of the Philadelphia Inquirer to skewer Krasner.

Nutter wrote, “521 people, souls, spirits have been vanquished, eliminated, murdered in our City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection, the most since 1960. I have to wonder what kind of messed up world of white wokeness Krasner is living in to have so little regard for human lives lost, many of them Black and brown, while he advances his own national profile as a progressive district attorney.”

“Messed up world of white wokeness,” indeed.

I’d like to ask Krasner: How many more Black and brown people, and others, would have to be gunned down in our streets daily to meet your definition of a “crisis”? How many more children and teens have to die in record numbers to capture your attention, and be considered a “crisis”? How many more moms, dads, spouses, and friends need to shed tears over the loss of a loved one for you to call it a “crisis”?

One can imagine Krasner after reading that. “But … but … but I LOVE black people. I’m doing all this for black people! Black people need us enlightened white folk to help them, guide them, and tell them what to do!”


If Krasner does not have the fortitude or the guts to carry out those duties, he should resign and turn things over to someone who is not trying to sell Philadelphians on the false choice of having either public safety or police reform.

Philadelphians can have — and deserve — both.

It’s important to note that Krasner doesn’t care about reforming the police. He cares about “social justice.” And if a few hundred — or thousand — innocent people have to die in the pursuit of that holy cause, then that’s the price to be paid. And he’s perfectly willing to pay it — as long as someone else is shedding the blood.


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