Cornell Offers a Racially Segregated Rock Climbing Course, Then Scrubs Its Website to Hide Their Racism

AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi)

Cornell University is very woke. They’re so woke that they offered a rock climbing course for BIPOC students only. BIPOC, for those of you unwoke, stands for black, Indigenous, and people of color — a catchall for everyone oppressed by white people.


The course ain’t cheap. Campus Reform reports that the school charges “$1,890—including the standard cost of a one-credit course, $1,575, and an additional mandatory ‘course fee’ of $315.”

It’s expensive to get woke at Cornell.

Campus Reform confronted school authorities about the blatantly racist course description, which led to the school scrubbing its website to change the course requirements.

If you’re going to be a racist, you should own it.

According to the new description, posted on Cornell’s website, the class will provide a “high degree of individual attention” and a “supportive space” where students will discuss “BIPOC individuals and groups in rock climbing.” The new description states that the class is now “open to all” students who are “interested in learning rock climbing with this special focus.”

The explanation given by the school is comical.

When asked for comment, John Carberry, Cornell’s Senior Director of Media Relations and News, issued a statement to Campus Reform claiming that “all Cornell students” are “welcome” to enroll in the course, contradicting the original course description.

Carberry insisted that the course’s original description reflected an “intentional focus” on “outreach and inclusion,” but that there was “never” any intention to exclude students that don’t identify as BIPOC.

“All Cornell students are welcome to enroll in this course. While the original description of the course represented an intentional focus on outreach and inclusion, there was never an intent to exclude non-minority students. The description of the course has been adjusted accordingly,” Carberry said.


So a course titled “BIPOC Rock Climbing” was so named as “an intentional focus on outreach and inclusion.” I call bullcrap on that. The title and course description were exclusionary and no amount of pussy-footing double-talk will change it.

This kind of stealth brainwashing makes a mockery of academic freedom. Besides, restricting admission based on race is illegal, according to New York state law.

According to the New York State Attorney General’s website, “Students in New York schools are protected by federal, state, and local laws that prevent discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, disability, and other categories.”

Additionally, the New York Human Rights Law “makes it illegal” for “non-sectarian educational institutions” to “deny their services to students on the basis of race, color, religion, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, military status, sex, age or marital status.”

I guess the BIPOC crowd believes the law doesn’t apply to them.


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