Violent Crime in Chicago Surges More Than 50 Percent Through October Compared to Last Year

Charles Rex Arbogast

Residents of the city of Chicago don’t need to be told their town has become a shooting gallery over the past year. Sometimes, citizens must feel like those duck targets at the carnival, dodging bullets right and left.


It’s a good thing the gangbangers are incredibly poor shots. As it is, they managed to hit 29 people over the Halloween weekend, killing four of them.


The weekend saw more shootings – but was less deadly – than last weekend, when 23 people were shot, seven of them fatally, between 5 p.m. Friday and 5 a.m. Monday.

Three of the four fatal shootings happened within 90 minutes Saturday evening, the latest homicide leaving a man dead in the South Shore neighborhood.

About 8:25 p.m., two people walked up and fired shots at the man as he stepped out of a home in the 2200-block of East 68th Street, Chicago police said. The man, 32, was struck multiple times in his body and taken to the University of Chicago Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

Two people just walk up and start pumping bullets into a man and then presumably get away on foot. This is not unusual in the city where the police are very careful about where they patrol. In Chicago, the cops must share residents’ feelings of being a metal duck in a shooting gallery.

Washington Examiner:

Statistics from the Chicago Police Department released Sunday and reported by the Chicago Sun-Times show 67 officers have been shot at, with 10 of them struck by bullets. The uptick is four times more than last year, when 17 officers were shot at, two being struck by gunfire.

Through Oct. 31 of this year, 655 murders were recorded in Chicago. In 2019, only 431 were recorded during the same period. That’s a 51% increase from last year. In 2016, there were 612 murders by Oct. 25.

This year, 3,465 people were shot in the city, rising by 56% from 2019, when 2,221 people were shot in the same time frame.


But it’s a gun problem, right, Mayor Lightfoot? Or perhaps it’s the fault of those “lax gun laws” in Indiana or Mississippi?


“Well, look, we can’t stop things that happen outside of our borders. Sixty percent of illegal guns that come into Chicago every year are from out of state, from Indiana, from Mississippi, from other states that have lax gun laws,” Lightfoot said in response. “When my people can go over the border to Indiana and buy military-grade weapons and bring them back in any quantity that they want as long as their money is right, that’s a problem.”

Gangbangers are going to keep shooting until they’re caught, convicted, and go to prison. But they won’t get caught as long as Chicago police have their hands tied by a politician trying to appease a mob of Black Lives Matter activists who see putting a black criminal in prison as a racist act.

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