Kayne West Gives Pro-Trump Speech on SNL After NBC Cuts Feed

Kanye West at an event in Los Angeles, California. (Getty Images)

Singer Kayne West is known for his pro-Trump sentiments as well as some other politically incorrect views. On NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” last night, West took the opportunity to voice some of these views — much to the chagrin of his audience.


West made his remarks at the end of the show as NBC was cutting to the credits so no one heard them. But West’s publicist posted the speech on Twitter.


CBS News:

“It’s so many times that I talk to a white person about this, and they say, ‘How could you support Trump? He’s racist.’ Well, if I was concerned about racism, I would have moved out of America a long time ago,” he said. “We don’t just make our decisions off of racism. I’ma break it down to you right now … If someone inspires me and I connect with them, I don’t have to believe in all they policies.”

NBC apparently tried to prevent West from wearing his MAGA hat on stage. Bad move:

West pointed out members of the audience he said were laughing at him and claimed the show’s producers said he couldn’t wear the MAGA hat on stage. “You see they laughing at me. You heard ’em. They scream at me. They bully me. They bullied me backstage. They said, ‘Don’t go out there with that hat on.'”

West has been vocal in his support of Mr. Trump since his victory in 2016. He previously tweeted images of a MAGA hat that was signed by the president and said the two share the same “dragon energy.”

On “SNL,” West said that 90 percent of news, writers, rappers and Los Angeles are liberal and that it’s easy for things to appear one-sided. He later added: “Thank y’all for giving me this platform. I know some of y’all don’t agree. But y’all be going at that man neck a lot, and I don’t think it’s actually that helpful.”


Most of the media headlines mention the audience booing. But there were also a few people clapping and the crowd, for the most part, let West speak.

The president weighed in on the incident this morning:

Is it more courageous to stand in front of an anti-Trump audience like the White House Correspondents’ Dinner and “speak truth to power” or stand in front of an anti-Trump audience like the SNL crowd and sing the president’s praises?

By the way, the singer says he’s changed his name from “Kayne West” to “Ye.”

Well, no one is perfect.



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