Hysterical lies told by Democrats about the GOP Obamacare reform efforts have borne some bitter fruit.
Some numbnut in Las Vegas broke into the office of Senator Dean Heller and left him a little love note.
Jon Ralston of the The Nevada Independent:
A note taped to Sen. Dean Heller’s Senate office was from someone asserting that he would lose his health care if the key senator voted for the repeal bill and that he would die if that happened and would take Heller with him, a law enforcement source said.
Metro Police have declined to disclose the contents of the note, which was taped to Heller’s office door at the Sunset Road office. But I have learned it apparently came from someone who wants Heller to vote against the current health care measure.
Despite some reports, Heller’s office was not burglarized, but the suspect appears to have gained access illegally to the complex.
The incident occurred on Sunday at 9:06 a.m., the police reported. “The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department received a call from an alarm company representative reporting a burglary alarm at the main entrance of an office building where Senator Dean Heller’s office is located,” the police statement said. “The preliminary investigation by patrol officers determined that a burglary did not occur to the main building or to Senator Heller’s office. However, a threatening note addressed to Senator Heller was discovered near the door to his office. Officers took a report for Threatening or Obscene Letters or Writing (NRS 207.180). The LVMPD has an on-going investigation into this incident.”
Heller is considered a pivotal swing vote on health care. He has raised questions about the loss of Medicaid funding, as has Gov. Brian Sandoval. But neither, as of this writing, have come out against the bill.
You might make an argument (I wouldn’t) that the incendiary rhetoric of Democrats hasn’t necessarily led to violence. Crazy people do as crazy people do and whatever they might hear doesn’t mean they will act on it. (I exclude the Steve Scalise shooting because the perp was obviously a Democratic activist.)
But there is a direct connection here between the lies told by Democrats about the GOP health care bill and the note left by the perpetrator. The emotionally upset constituent can’t possibly know what’s going to be in any final reform bill after a House-Senate conference because Republicans themselves don’t know. And the chances of anyone “losing” their insurance are about as good as they were when Obama pulled the plug on five million insurance plans back in 2010. Liberals weren’t screaming then about people dying because they were losing their insurance. They were going to be forced to buy better plans, they said — lower deductibles and premiums.
My, how times have changed, eh?
I’d recommend that liberals tone down the rhetoric a bit but my name is not King Canute and I can’t command the tides not to come in.
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