What do Israelis think about all the chaos that surrounds them? One way to find out is to watch the Tuesday Night Live in Jerusalem, an English language TV show and a vital source of news and entertainment for the 250,000 Americans who reside in that country.
The show is part Jay Leno, part Saturday Night Live and part talk . It tries to take a look at their constantly threatening situation with humor, entertainment and inspiration.
One of their most popular segments is “Meet the Streets,” a take off on Leno’s Jaywalking. Watch them conduct on-the-street interviews with all sorts of Israelis about what they think about Egypt. It’s funny, surprising and insightful.
Tuesday Night, incidentally, will be taking the show on the road to the United States. They have recently been in Florida and Texas to sell out crowds.
If you wish to get a sense of their approach to life amidst the madness, or see if they are coming to a location near you, check out their web site by clicking here. Or see them on some American cable systems on JLTV.
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