The interesting thing about this video (which was produced incidentally, by L3’s dad) is that it references things and ideas which were once presumed common to all, but which are now in the process of abolition.
Take the family home that the anonymous unemployed young man returns to. Who has a family like that any more? Come to think of it, who wants a family like that at all?
Why not get rid of them along with all the other impedimenta we don’t need any more — God, Country and all the rest.
The ideal modern young person is personified by Julia, the cartoon star of Barack Obama’s campaign animation The Life of Julia. She has none of the problems which concern the people in the video.
Julia has no discernible father or mother. She never gets married. She gets government schooling, government student loans, goes to college via the Race to the Top government program, gets Pell Grants, obtains government health care.
Upon graduation Julia pulls down a princely salary thanks to the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act — and she even gets to cap her student loan payments. Whether she ever pays them or not is not revealed.
Unlike the men portrayed in the video above, she never worries about manufacturing jobs migrating to China. That’s because she’ll be employed as a web designer. It’s gravy all the way. And when somehow she gets pregnant even after she gets all the contraception she wants, she sends her daughter to government school — and the cycle begins anew.
And it’s all for free.
Or is it? For there’s the rub because the money has to come from somewhere. The Life of Julia is fundamentally at odds with any world in which a “fair tax” or any sort of low tax regime, could exist. Somebody’s got to pay for the Government Cheese and that has to be someone other than the person who eats the cheese. Otherwise you get nothing “extra” you wouldn’t have had to start with. When you come right down to it that has to mean there are taxpayers and cows somewhere down the line.
And maybe families too. Well as long as they stay out of sight.
Is it possible that the World of Julia essentially assumes for its continuance and existence the very things that it finds so distasteful? Imagine a world where your father left you when you were just a baby. Where you lived in one household after the other, among one set of strangers after the other. Think of a world in which your mentors, your pastor, you mother’s friends all taught that “you didn’t build that”. Imagine that you never held down anything other than a government job, with the brief exception of a time when you gave away some philanthrophist’s money until there was none left.
Could such a person support Julia’s world? No. But he could promise it. And then someone else would still have to pay for it.
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