Obama Takes North Carolina; Clinton Wins in Indiana

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Razor-Thin Victory for Hillary in Hoosier State (ABC News)

Clinton Cancels Morning Show Appearances (Ben Smith)

Could Gary Flip It? “With Hillary Clinton’s statewide lead under 40,000, the pending results from Lake County loom large. While Clinton reportedly led voting in cities like Hammond, Whiting and East Chicago, Gary Mayor Rudy Clay is indicating a huge margin in favor of Obama in his city.” (nwi.com)


The End of the Clinton Strategy: “A win in North Carolina would have been powerful evidence that Democrats are turning on Obama and that the character attacks had rendered him unelectable. A very narrow loss might have helped the Clintons make this case as well. But a landslide defeat?” (Steve Kornacki)

Obama Limps Towards the Finish Line: “What happens next? I assume that Clinton will come under great pressure to drop out. My guess is that she will resist that pressure until even deeper into the primary season, and probably until the end of it.” (Power Line)

Take That, Jeremiah Wright!: Obama blesses America in victory speech. (Extreme Mortman)

“The story of the night is that this is not the night Clinton would have liked to have.” (Sister Toldjah)

Video: Fred Barnes Disses Hillary’s “Downscale Voters” (Hot Air)

Liveblogging from the West Virginia Obama HQ (The Other McCain)

If Every State Were North Carolina… “Barack Obama would have wrapped up the nomination weeks ago. He took over 90% of African American voters who make up a third of the electorate in securing his apparently comfortable win.” (Jennifer Rubin)

Clinton Takes Indiana (CBS News)

Obama Wins North Carolina (Fox News)


Is the Democratic Party Cracking Up? : “Forget the horse race numbers for a moment: if the surveys are accurate, the polarization within the Democratic Party has reached critical levels. Nearly six in ten Obama supporters in Indiana say they would be dissatisfied if Clinton were the nominee — that’s (I believe) the high percentage of Obama supporters who have ever said that. (Marc Ambinder)

Live Results: Indiana (CNN)

Exit Poll Roundup (TalkLeft)

Wright Controversy Casts Shadow on Races: “Preliminary exit poll results indicate that just under half of Democratic primary voters in Indiana and North Carolina alike call the controversy surrounding the Rev. Jeremiah Wright an important factor in their vote, a potential wildcard in the outcome of these two contests.” (ABC News)

Beware of the Exit Polls (Political Insider)

Five Things to Look for in Indiana (Politico)

Few Problems Reported in North Carolina Balloting:“State elections director Gary Bartlett said turnout was ‘steady … not tremendously heavy.’ The presidential nomination seemed to overshadow primaries for governor, Senate and statewide office.” (WRAL)

It’s Super-Duper Tuesday Again: “So today voters go to the polls in Indiana and North Carolina to cast ballots in primaries that are often just afterthoughts but this year have the potential for extreme importance.” (Neo-Neocon)


Obama Expands Lead in NC (51-47); Dems Still Biting Nails in Indiana! (Zogby poll)

New Hillary vs Old Obama: Fair Fight? (Hot Air)

Most Democrats Not Eager for Either Candidate to Drop Out (Gallup poll)

Danger Day: Hillary’s inner circle fears 15-point defeat in NC, sees Indiana win (Drudge)

Eight Questions About Today’s Primaries (WaPo)

A Day For Voting: “My utterly unscientific prediction follows the principle established in Pennsylvania – neither Howard Dean’s luck nor the luck of the Democratic Party has changed, so the result tonight will be whatever is necessary to maximize confusion.” (Just One Minute)

North Carolina Prediction: Obama by Double Digits (FiveThirtyEight.com)

Hillary NC Camp Press-Friendly: Obama Camp Hostile (UK Spectator)

Obama T-Shirts and Buttons Far Outselling Hillary in Indiana (Deadline USA)

Getting Down to Business: Dozens of Reasons to Vote for Hillary Clinton (Buck Naked Politics)

Final Indiana Polls (IndyStar)

Wearing Blue Collar for Votes: With a Boilermaker Here and a Bowling Ball There, Obama and Clinton Try to Win Over Middle America (WaPo)

Has Obama Essentially Surrendered Indiana? (Chicago Argus)

Indiana Primary Predictions (Booman Tribune)

Indiana Not Been a Key Primary State Since… 1968 (Matthew Tully @ Indystar)


On the Ipsos Poll: “A ten-point shift in a week with the same pollster demonstrates a significant reversal for Barack Obama, at least for the moment … The question for Hillary will be whether this surge came too late.” (Ed Morrisey @ Hot Air)

Clinton (47%) Overtakes Obama (40%) Nationally On Eve of Indiana And North Carolina Primaries (Ipsos)

Two Primaries, Several Scenarios (Adam Nagourney @ NY Times)

Hillary Goes Negative in Last Minute Ad (CNN’s Political Ticker)

NC: Obama 48% Clinton 45%, Tied Within Margin of Error (InsiderAdvantage)

NC’s Charlotte Observer endorses Obama


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