The "Harmless" Habit that Turns Men off to You

What is this harmless habit that ema href=””Cosmo/a/em magazine is dishing about this month? Male bashing. Imagine my surprise when I saw that a cover story inem Cosmo /emwas very much pro-male. The tagline reads “Verbally bashing the male species is now a reflex for a lot of chicks. Problem is, the real thing getting emtrashed/em could be your relationship.” Okay, so they phrase the problem with male bashing as one that is detrimental to females, but hey, at least there is a realization that it is wrong. The article has several good sections in it entitled, “How We Beat Up on Boys,” “Why it Weakens Love,” “Break your Bashing Habit,” and “Start Male Boasting.” br /br /The advice is good and direct, such as telling women to stop telling their dates they are not like the jerks they usually date. “You’re actually broadcasting for the most part, you think dudes suck.” To break the habit, the author suggests when your girlfriends start guy trashing, you change the subject. Or, “if a girlfriend says that guys never commit, ger her to see how silly it is to make such broad statements by making one about women, like, ‘I know, and women start shopping for a wedding dress after the third date.'” emCosmo/em gives suggestions (but should you really need this advice after the age of 12?) that women should ditch lines like “Men are dogs” or “Unless its football, it’s too complicated for his brain.” These tips should be a given, of course, especially given the propensity for the PC police to round up certain people and a href=”″head them to the rehab center /afor similar sexist comments, but at least it’s a step in the right direction. br /br /And already, a href=””the word is spreading./a



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