a href=”http://www.taskforcephoenix.com/dcbio.htm”img src=”http://www.taskforcephoenix.com/picts/dcenyeart.jpg” align=right border=0/aWe talked with Col. David Enyeart, Deputy Commander of a href=”http://www.taskforcephoenix.com/”Task Force Phoenix,/a the command dedicated to training the Afghan National Army and the Afghan National Police.br /br /Col. Enyeart talks about addressing corruption, the much-anticipated Taliban spring offensive (which he calls “make or break for the Taliban”) addressing corruption and illiteracy, and the success in recruiting efforts. His conclusion: “This is a winnable war over here.”br /br /Also on the call are Mark Finkelstein of a href=”http://www.newsbusters.org/”Newsbusters,/a Andrew Lubin of a href=”http://uscavonpoint.com/default.aspx”On Point,/a Scott Kesterson of the a href=”http://www.huffingtonpost.com/scott-kesterson/”iHuffington Post,/i/a and John Noonan of a href=”http://www.op-for.com/”Op-For./abr /br /You can listen directly by a href=”http://politicscentral.com/2007/03/01/the_glenn_and_helen_show_train.php”clicking here/a — no downloads needed — or you can download the entire file by a href=”http://richmedia.pjmedia.com/audio/politicscentral/glenn_helen_show/20070301-Afghan.mp3″clicking right here./a You can get a lo-fi version suitable for dialup, satellite phone, or whatever by going a href=”http://politicscentral.com/2007/03/01/the_glenn_and_helen_show_train.php”here/a and selecting lo-fi, and you can always subscribe for free a href=”http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=116559643s=143441″via iTunes./a Visit our show archives at a href=”http://www.glennandhelenshow.com”www.glennandhelenshow.com/a for old episodes or to check for updates.br /br /Music is by a href=”http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=110478926s=143441″Mobius Dick./a This podcast was brought to you by a href=”http://www.volvocars.us”Volvo USA./a
Podcast: Training the Afghan Army
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