When a Dem Congressman Attacked a Student Journalist, the Media Didn't Bat an Eye

When GOP candidate Greg Gianforte tackled a Guardian reporter this week, the media went nuts. Chuck Todd was surprised that, even with an assault charge against their opponent, the Democrats couldn’t win an election; and Don Lemon insisted that President Trump was to blame because of the anti-journalist culture he’s ignited. The whole country was aghast.


But in 2010, when a sitting Democrat congressman, Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-NC), attacked a student journalist, the media didn’t bat an eye. No wall-to-wall coverage, no nationwide attention. Watch this video of the incident, so you can see the full extent of the partisan double standard.

Share on Facebook if you’re just as aghast by Etheridge’s incident as you were by Gianforte’s.


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