No-Rubber-Stamp Rubio Grills Trump's Sec. of State Nominee on Russian Ties

Sen. Marco Rubio isn’t prepared to just give President-elect Trump’s nominees a rubber stamp, even though they share the Republican label. In his Foreign Relations Committee questioning of Trump’s secretary of State nominee, Rex Tillerson, Rubio tried to get him to admit that Vladimir Putin is a war criminal. A popular concern is that Tillerson has had close business ties to Russia and to Putin himself, and Rubio tried to suss that out. Tillerson frustrated Rubio by refusing to agree to automatic sanctions for cyber-attackers, and refusing to call Putin a war criminal. But should a Republican senator be making it so hard on his party’s nominee?


Do you side with Rubio or with Tillerson? Leave your comments below.

Rubio didn’t stop here. He completely blew Tillerson’s nomination to smithereens as he talked about human rights. Click LOAD MORE to see his closing statement.




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