Yesterday, I wrote about how pro-Palestinian/anti-Israeli propaganda managed to find its way onto a site devoted to “avoidable medical deaths in the hospital.”
Today–guess what? The same propaganda has now variously appeared higher up on the list on the first page–but so has my own blog!
I am not sure what to make of this. Did I send even more readers to the Palestine Monitor site? Did those who oppose what I wrote send even more readers to that same site?
Only the Shadow knows.
And which Arab, Muslim hospital has rushed ambulances to the streets of Jerusalem to assist the civilian victims of the Israeli Palestinian criminal terrorist who yesterday brutally mowed down four innocent souls and wounded 57 additional civilians? In a sense, this, too, is an example of an “avoidable” out-of-hospital death–just like the Palestine Monitor’s examples.
Interestingly, the Grey Lady has not carried news of this attack on its front page (it appears on pg A6) nor have they shown us any photos of the bloodied victims. They do have a photo of the bloodied murderer whom, according to the Times, an Israeli police officer finally shot to stop his rampage. The closest the Times comes to showing us the damage from an Israeli point of view is Rina Castelnuovo’s photo of a huge Israeli bus which the killer turned on its side. Their article suggests that the killer’s rampage was one of divine justice because he used the same kind of Caterpillar “construction vehicle” which Israelis use “to demolish Palestinian homes, uproot orchards and construct Jewish settlements in occupied land.”
Thus: the homes of terrorists, orchards, and new Jewish settlements are equivalent to living, breathing, and innocent human beings.
You may see some photos HERE
of the crushed cars, overturned bus, and of an Israeli rescue worker holding an infant–the very infant whose life was saved by her mother when the mother threw the child out the car window before she and the car were utterly crushed by the terrorist bulldozer.
Congratulations to Solomonia for publishing these photos.
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