I don’t know if disgruntled Twitter employees are hacking the system or if there’s some new corporate goal of inundating users with hardcore porn, but every time I click on a link in the “What’s Happening” or “Trending” sidebars, that’s what I get. Today I clicked on “Akron,” wondering what’s of interest in the city where I used to live. There were some entries about crime in the city and a slumlord whose tenants were sickened with carbon monoxide poisoning. There was also a tweet announcing the death of a capybara at the Akron Zoo (RIP, Atlantis! I so enjoyed watching you swim around in your poop!)
But after scrolling down a bit, I was visually assaulted with a close-up video of two men engaging in oral sex. I quickly scrolled past it and found more of the same. This has happened dozens of times over the last few months — more often than not, it’s videos showing close-ups of oral or anal sex between men. I won’t bother to link to the tweets because they’re graphic, disgusting, and likely to induce vomiting. And besides, this is a family-friendly site. And no, I’m not inviting such content by surfing gay porn (or any porn) in my free time. And yes, I’m a prude and I apologize for nothing.
If you see this sexually explicit content on Twitter, don’t bother reporting it—they allow this garbage and basically act like there’s something wrong with you if you don’t want to look at it.

Basically, Twitter requires users to label “adult content”—let’s just call it what it is: pornography—as “sensitive,” but there are plenty of people not doing that and seeming to get away with it.
It just proves once again what a culture-destroying cesspool social media has become.
Here at PJ Media, we talk a lot about how the left—and their handmaidens in traditional and social media—are tearing down our culture brick by brick, citizen by citizen, child by child. The normalization of pornography is just one part of their despicable plans to plunder and destroy, especially when it comes to our vulnerable children. The left supports, encourages, and celebrates every kind of sexual deviancy imaginable, and they show no signs of stopping. If you’re like me, you want to preserve what’s left of our culture and bring back the values that led to human flourishing, decency, and morality for our kids and grandkids. Please join us in the fight by becoming a member of PJ Media’s VIP team. Your support enables us to keep track of what the left is doing—especially to our children— and report on it honestly and unflinchingly. (That’s the reason I’m still on Twitter, by the way. I read the garbage there so you don’t have to.) If you would like to join our team, you can enlist here. Use the promo code CULTURE for a 25% discount today.
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