Vice President Pence and President Trump coming up! Watch the event live here.
LIVE NOW: President @realDonaldTrump and @VP deliver remarks at @NRA’s Annual Meeting
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) April 26, 2019
There’s an assault on the 2nd Amendment from the left. I’m looking forward to speaking at the @NRA Conference right after @realDonaldTrump today!
— Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) April 26, 2019
It’s the gun grabbers, not the gun owners who are a danger to America:
Swalwell left "nuke law-abiding gun owners" off the list, but we know he's thinking it. #NRAAM
— Paula Bolyard (@pbolyard) April 26, 2019
POTUS is stoked to be here:
Heading to Indianapolis to speak at the big NRA Conference. Love being in Indiana. The @NRA is getting stronger & stronger and doing some really great and important work. Having their powerful support has been vital to #MAGA!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 26, 2019
1:35 p.m.
U.N. gun-grabbing reversed.
Here’s video.
Breaking: @realDonaldTrump signs executive order to stop UN arms treaty ratification process #NRAAM
— (@townhallcom) April 26, 2019
And a friendly suggestion.
.@realDonaldTrump should change his campaign slogan to "Make America Even Greater." Has a nice ring to it, no? @AnnualMeetings #NRAAM
— Paula Bolyard (@pbolyard) April 26, 2019
Geaux Steve Scalise!
Shooting victim @SteveScalise , still aided by a cane, takes the stage at @AnnualMeetings to proclaim his unbridled support for the right to bear arms.
— Paula Bolyard (@pbolyard) April 26, 2019
12:49 p.m.
Trump “will never let you down!”
"I will never let you down" on the Second Amendment, Trump vows to @NRA members. #NRAAM #rickrolled
— Paula Bolyard (@pbolyard) April 26, 2019
From MAGA to CAG?
Trump says he's considering changing campaign slogan to "Keep America Great." @AnnualMeetings #NRAAM
— Paula Bolyard (@pbolyard) April 26, 2019
12:33 p.m.
Cheers from the @NRA crowd as @realDonaldTrump calls out the fake news. #NRAAM
— Paula Bolyard (@pbolyard) April 26, 2019
Who do we worship?
"We don't worship government, we worship God."
— Paula Bolyard (@pbolyard) April 26, 2019
Charlton Heston!
Charlton Heston, who fought for civil rights in the 1960s, makes an appearance at @NRA annual meetings, sponsored by Townhall Media #NRAAM #NRAAM19
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) April 26, 2019
12:05 p.m. Pence says the Boston bomber won’t be voting any time soon…
VP Pence on Bernie's plan to let Boston Marathon bomber vote: "Not on our watch!"
— Paula Bolyard (@pbolyard) April 26, 2019
11:51 a.m. No one is taking your guns!
"Under this president and vice president no one is taking your guns!" #NRAAM @mike_pence
— Paula Bolyard (@pbolyard) April 26, 2019
Pence starts strong.
"Hello NRA! I'm a Christian, a conservative, and a Republic — in that it order!" A very warm @NRA welcome for VP @mike_pence #NRAAM
— Paula Bolyard (@pbolyard) April 26, 2019
Great points.
. @VP Mike Pence touts @POTUS remaking of the courts and appointments of conservative judges #NRA #NRAAM19 #NRAAM
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) April 26, 2019
10:48 a.m. Oh, no doubt:
Liberals will go ballistic when @realDonaldTrump addresses the @NRA’s annual meeting today #NRAAM
— (@townhallcom) April 26, 2019
President Trump will be taking the stage shortly. Team Townhall is in the second row, right in front of the podium!
Friday 10:00 a.m.: Good morning from the NRA annual meetings in Indy! Lucas Oil Stadium is beginning to fill up with supporters of President Trump and the Second Amendment. The president is scheduled to begin speaking at around 11:30 a.m. Vice President Pence is expected to give remarks prior to Trump taking the stage, and then he will introduce the president. Here are a few pics from the event:

NRA-ILA Leadership Forum (Image credit: Paula Bolyard for PJ Media)

NRA-ILA Leadership Forum (Image credit: Paula Bolyard for PJ Media)

NRA-ILA Leadership Forum (Image credit: Paula Bolyard for PJ Media)
Thursday, 2:00 a.m.: President Trump will headline the National Rifle Association’s 148th annual meetings in Indianapolis on Friday. This is the third year in a row that Trump, an enthusiastic supporter of the Second Amendment, will address attendees at the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action. Vice President Mike Pence, an Indiana native and avid gun rights supporter, will also address attendees at the convention.
PJ Media is attending the event along with other members of the Townhall media family and will bring you live coverage of the event. Downtown Indy is just bubbling with enthusiasm for the NRA convention and for President Trump’s appearance on Friday.
“Donald Trump is the most enthusiastic supporter of the Second Amendment to occupy the Oval Office in our lifetimes. It is truly an honor to have President Trump address NRA members for the fifth consecutive year,” Chris Cox, NRA-ILA’s executive director said in a press release. “President Trump’s Supreme Court appointments ensure that the Second Amendment will be respected for generations to come. Our members are excited to hear him speak and thank him for his support for our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.”
The convention features a veritable who’s who of conservative gun rights advocates, including NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre, Sen. Ted Cruz, Oliver North, Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin, and Rep. Steve Scalise, who was gunned down and nearly killed by a left-wing psycho at a Congressional Baseball Game practice in 2017.
The convention is expected to draw more than 80,000 Second Amendment enthusiasts over four days to hear speakers and peruse the 15 acres of exhibit space.
Indianapolis law enforcement officials are also preparing for anti-gun/anti-Trump protests. Kathleen Robertson, associated with the group Refuse Fascism Indiana, is organizing a protest at the state capital during the convention. As of Thursday night, just over 700 people had expressed interest in the event announced on the group’s Facebook page. More than likely the protest will draw no more than a handful of stalwart gun grabbers — even with the offer of free hot dogs and water.
“Two days of action while Donald Trump spews his harmful rhetoric at the N.R.A. convention in Indianapolis. The purpose of this grand event is to bring awareness to the NRA that their policies and practices are not welcomed here in the city of Indianapolis,” the Facebook group announced. “This protest will cover 2 days and incorporate different tactics of protest.”
The group is planning to march from the statehouse to Lucas Stadium during Trump’s speech on Friday. “We are encouraging signage, banners, noisemakers to use. The Baby Trump balloon is going to be deployed on the 26th at a undisclosed location,” the group declared. “TBA please join us in decrying this unholy union between the Trump Pence regime and the juggernaut NRA.” The group plans to sell miniature “Baby Trump” balloons for five bucks each.
According to Robertson, the city denied a request to float a giant Baby Trump balloon over the convention center during the president’s speech, although it’s possible the balloon could still make an appearance somewhere in the city.
‼️Please join us in protest of the national NRA convention and trump's appearance!!!!
— Jane Reed (@kaslina) April 20, 2019
“You asked and we tirelessly tried to make this work. However, the city has refused to permit the spot within a 5 mile radius of the downtown convention center,” Robertson wrote in a GoFundMe appeal for cash. “The Trump baby balloon tour has offered to bring 350 of the smaller hand held balloons for participants,” she said. “We have organized an all day event with speakers from WE LIVE, INDY MARCH FOR OUR LIVES, ANSWER INDIANA and REFUSE FASCISM CHICAGO.”
(Sounds super fun, doesn’t it?)
Some of the money raised will be used to pay for a DJ to play music during the protest, Robertson said. The GoFundMe campaigned has raised $2100 to date, but some supporters are not happy with the way Robertson plans to use the money, while others questioned the purpose of the Trump balloons.
“I’m wondering how floating a giant effigy of Lord Dampnut as a baby is supposed to change gun laws. I’m sure there’s some clever plan here that I’m just not getting. Would somebody enlighten me please?” Stephen wrote.
Andi agreed: “I would like my donation used for a well-respected organization that opposes the Orange fool’s policies. Please no little balloons. They’re terrible for the environment (and this is Earth Day!).”
Robertson defended the decision to use the funds raised for her tiny little “hand held” balloons: “It has come to my attention that many of those who supported this campaign are turning sour at the idea of such waste of funds,” she wrote. “In the beginning we were all gungho [sic] for it and understandably so. The funds came in and we prepared to make the final arrangement for deployments. It was a dizzying time to imagine.” Dizzying!
She appealed for solidarity in the ongoing effort to oppose the president and vice president.
Friday’s NRA event featuring Trump and Pence will begin at 11 a.m. at Lucas Oil Stadium. Security is expected to be tight, with no weapons of any kind permitted in the stadium. Stay tuned to PJM for updates!
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