Voter Snubs Kirsten Gillibrand in Iowa Restaurant: 'I'm Just Going to Get Some Ranch' Dressing

(Image via Twitter screenshot)

Democratic senator and presidential hopeful Kirsten Gillibrand had an awkward moment during a meeting with voters at an Iowa restaurant on Tuesday.

A woman approached Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) as she was addressing a group of supporters gathered at The Airliner, a popular Iowa City restaurant and frequent campaign stop for presidential hopefuls. The senator reached out and laid her hand on the woman’s shoulder, perhaps expecting to hear some words of praise. Instead, the woman explained, “I’m just going to get some ranch” dressing.


“Go ahead,” Gillibrand instructed, as restaurant patrons erupted in laughter and the woman headed for the salad bar.

During her speech and the Q&A that followed, Gillibrand vowed to stand up to her fellow Democrats. “I will stand up to my own party,” she said, reminding the crowd that she refused to stay silent about sexual abuse allegations against Al Franken.

She also praised failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, whose work to expand women’s rights in China brought her to an “ah-ha” moment. When Clinton declared that “women’s rights are human rights,” Gillibrand explained, it was her signal to “get off the sidelines.”

Of course, she did not pass up an opportunity to bash President Trump’s trade wars. “Trump ran on the notion of no bad trade deals. I wish he had stuck to that because he’s belligerent,” she said.

The internet, of course, had a little fun with Gillibrand’s “ranch” moment.


Hopefully, this was a teachable moment for Gillibrand and she’ll avoid getting between voters and their ranch dressing in the future.

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