In a press conference after today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, a fiery Lindsey Graham called out Democrats for the circus they’ve created over accusations by Christine Blasey Ford against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
“I feel ambushed,” Graham told reporters at the conclusion of the hearing this afternoon.
“When it comes to where it happened,” Graham said, “I still don’t know. I don’t know when it happened. She says she’s 100% certain it did happen. I bet you Judge Kavanaugh will say I’m 100% sure I didn’t do it.”
He said the people named by Ford as corroborating witnesses “don’t know what Ms. Ford’s talking about.” In addition, “She can’t tell how she got home and how she got there and that’s the facts I’m left with. A nice lady who has come forward it to tell a hard story that’s uncorroborated.”
“And this is enough, ” he said. “God help anybody else who gets nominated,” Graham continued. “Based on what I heard today, you could not get a search warrant or an arrest warrant because you don’t know the location, you don’t know the time, you don’t have any corroboration.”
Graham said all he heard today was a bunch of speeches from politicians who have politicized the confirmation process..
The South Carolina senator, who has a background as a prosecutor and a judge, said, “I didn’t find her allegations to be corroborated against Mr. Kavanaugh. I don’t doubt something happened to her… but she can’t tell me the house, the city, the month of the year.”
“When you have a emotional accusation and an emotional denial,” he explained, “you use the rule of law, the presumption of innocence attaches to the person accused. You have to give them… time and location. You ask is there anybody to verify this, and when you give hames all of them goes the other way.”
Asked about whether Graham thought there should be a full investigation, the visibly angry Graham said, “If you really believe we needed an investigation for this, why didn’t you tell us in August? The FBI is going to tell us what? What house are they going to go to? What city are they going to go to? Who are they going to talk to because they can’t tell us the month, barely the year.”
“This is all delay” on the part of Democrats, he told reporters. “I’m not going to reward people for playing a political game.” He said Ford “is just as much a victim as, I think, Brett Kavanaugh. Somebody betrayed her trust. And we know who she gave the letter to and the people that betrayed her trust, they owe her an apology.”
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