On CNN’s Crossfire on Monday, S.E. Cupp asked Tracy Sefl from the pro-Clinton super PAC Ready for Hillary whether turning Hillary into a “brand” would hurt her with average Americans.
Cupp noted that the Ready for Hillary store sells a wide variety of merchandise including water bottles, dog collars — even a Hillary Clinton cell phone case. “Aren’t you afraid all of this stuff will turn off average American voters who are concerned that Hillary is seen more as a brand and less as an actual problem solver who’s down in the gritty dirt trying to solve the real problems of the American people?” Cupp asked.
On the contrary, Sefl explained, people can’t get enough of the former First Lady. “The supply and demand issue is an interesting one with Ready for Hillary. They can’t keep the merchandise in stock,” she told Cupp. “There is a clamoring by her supporters, growing every day — upwards of three million,” she said. Sefl added that Ready for Hillary is heading out on a nationwide bus tour, a move that “was getting high fives,” she gushed.
Asked if the air of inevitability surrounding Hillary Clinton would lead to voter fatigue, Sefl dismissed that narrative, saying, “Ready for Hillary would not exist” if the inevitability claims were true.
Hillary Clinton is currently on a book tour promoting her memoir, “Hard Choices.” On Monday she told Diane Sawyer that she and President Clinton were “dead broke” and heavily in debt when they left the White House. “We had no money when we got there, and we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses, for Chelsea’s education,” Clinton said. “You know, it was not easy.” Hillary Clinton’s Senate financial disclosure forms for the year 2000 show assets between $781,000 and nearly $1.8 million at the time and, as Diane Sawyer pointed out, the Clintons’ speaking fees are five times the median income in the U.S.
Critics have portrayed Hillary Clinton as someone who is out of touch with average Americans. Her “dead broke” comments to Diane Sawyer only serves to reinforce that elitist image. And selling cuff links and cocktail napkins at the Ready for Hillary store probably doesn’t help, either.
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