BREAKING: Pipe Bomb Explodes in Times Square Subway Station

A crowd moves past police responding to a report of an explosion near Times Square on Monday, Dec. 11, 2017, in New York. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

NYPD is announcing an explosion in the subway near Times Square at 42nd Street and 8th Avenue. FDNY reports 4 injuries at the scene, all non-life threatening.


Suspect has been anmed as Akayed Ullah, who is originally from Bangladesh and has been in the U.S. for seven years:


The Associated Press reports that the suspect had the bomb strapped to him when it went off and that he has abdominal injuries.

Incident is being called an act of terror:

According to local news, the platform was being evacuated at the time of the explosion.

Fox 5 NY reports:

A man who was carrying what police described as a pipe bomb, and possibly an explosive device strapped on his body, was injured when it exploded in the subway system in the Times Square area during the busy Monday morning rush hour commute. Fox 5 News reported that the suspect was taken into custody.

It happened around 7:30 a.m. in the subway system in the area of the 42nd Street Station at 8th Ave, in Manhattan. The A, C and E line were being evacuated as police searched for any additional explosives. The nearby Port Authority Bus Terminal was also being evacuated.

The blast apparently happened in an underground passageway between two subway lines. Fox 5 News reported that it appeared that the device detonated prematurely.

It was initially reported that there were two injuries but the NYPD says it appears that the suspect was the only one injured.


Just a few weeks ago, an image shared on ISIS social media networks showed a box of dynamite placed by someone in a Santa Claus outfit in Times Square:

We will post more updates when they become available.


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