U.S. Islamic Group Condemns 'March Against Sharia,' Forgets It Is a Designated Terrorist Organization

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) attacked the “March Against Sharia” rallies that occurred in 20+ cities around the country yesterday and called the sponsoring organization, ACT for America, a “hate group.”


But as the president of ACT for America noted, CAIR was designated a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates in November 2015:


And others noted that CAIR had been implicated in the largest terrorism financing trial in American history for its role in a conspiracy to support the designated terrorist group Hamas:

The UAE terror designation of CAIR is not some kind of state secret:


CAIR even acknowledged its own terror designation:

And CAIR pressured the Obama administration to try (unsuccessfully) to intervene with the UAE to get themselves removed from the terrorist designation list:

But, in fact, the UAE doubled down on CAIR’s designated terror group status.

UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al-Nahyan reportedly said in an interview at the time:

We cannot accept incitement or funding. For many countries, the definition of terror is that you have to carry a weapon or terrorize people. For us, it’s far beyond that. We cannot tolerate even the smallest amount of terrorism.

And it was precisely CAIR’s identified role in the largest terrorism trial in American history that exposed the organization’s longtime support for terrorism.

Ellison: Anti-Sharia Marchers ‘are the Folks Who are Imposing Their Religion on America’

In Justice Department court filings in the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) case, CAIR is specifically identified as part of the conspiracy operated by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee to provide “media, money and men” to support the designated terrorist group Hamas:


When federal prosecutors named CAIR as unindicted co-conspirators in the HLF case, they specifically identified the organization as part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee:

During the trial, FBI Agent Lara Burns testified that CAIR was a front for Hamas:

The federal judge hearing the case agreed with federal prosecutors, saying they had provided “ample evidence” of CAIR’s association with Hamas:

More emphatically, he wrote in a ruling later unsealed that the trial evidence created a “prima facie case” of CAIR’s support for Hamas:


Notes from a Palestine Committee meeting showing the then-newly founded CAIR’s role in the Hamas support network were submitted to the federal court:

When CAIR submitted briefs in other terrorism-related cases, federal prosecutors had to remind federal courts of exactly who CAIR was and its longtime support for terrorism:

In federal deportation proceedings against CAIR national board of directors member Nabil Sadoun, ICE agents presented to the court graphics showing CAIR’s relations to the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee conspiracy to support Hamas:

When the federal judge handed down sentences in the HLF case in 2009, the Justice Department noted in its press release that the successful prosecution was built on the acknowledgement of the Palestine Committee’s conspiracy to support Hamas in which CAIR played a crucial role:


Following the HLF trial and convictions, the FBI officially cut ties with CAIR:

But when Congress asked for the background information on CAIR that led to severing their relationship, the FBI inexplicably slow-walked the request:

And in a story I broke here at PJ Media, which was later confirmed by Rep. Peter King and Attorney General Eric Holder, I noted that one of the first acts of the Obama Justice Department was to stop the second round of prosecutions following the successful HLF case:

CAIR then became deeply tied to the Obama administration:

It was only because of the direct intervention of top Obama administration political appointees that CAIR’s leadership wasn’t prosecuted for their role in supporting Hamas.


Still, FBI officials had to concede when directly confronted by members on Congress under oath that CAIR was directly tied to terrorism.


Thus, the UAE was only acting on the basis of information related to CAIR’s support of terrorism that had been established in U.S. federal court.

So when CAIR publicly attacks other organizations as “hate groups,” it must do so only intentionally ignoring that one of the closest U.S. Arab Muslim allies in the Middle East has recognized and acknowledged CAIR’s history of terror support.

Stones, glass houses, and all that…


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