West Coast, Messed Coast Wrap-Up: The Faces of FREEEEDOM!

I don’t know what you’re looking at. They were only a couple of women doing a routine public service of cleaning out the mailboxes … coincidentally at the same time ballots were arriving in every mailbox ever used by a current, former, or dead California voter.


Just routine, you understand.

Welcome to the West Coast, Messed Coast Wrap-Up.

Good thing mail-in balloting is safe and secure.

The Gavin Newsom recall ballots were mailed, but whether voters get them is another question. You never know, there may be many more of these helpful ladies hoovering up vast apartment building mailboxes full of recall ballots.

Leading the polls for Republicans seeking to replace Governor Hair Gel is attorney and veteran radio talk host Larry Elder. That has meant a flurry of published anti-Elder news stories prompted by Team Newsom. Aren’t reporters racist or something for writing those negative stories about Elder, a black American man? We may have to get Ibram X. Kendi involved here. I’m sure he’d take our call.

While pro-Newsom forces attempt to suppress turnout with the negative news coverage, they’ve put out wave after wave of online ads and Newsom’s friends sued to change the rules of the recall to favor their buddy in hopes a friendly federal judge will take the case and gum up the works.

Would you please avert your eyes from those women stealing that stuff out of the mailboxes? There Is No Such Thing As Election Fraud.

Speaking of suspects, the SEIU and other big-money interests are throwing their lot in with Newsom to survive the September 14 recall election.

Hollywood has weighed in. Billionaire Spielberg sent $25,000 of couch-cushion money to help Newsom, while movie mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg forked over $500,000.


The three Republicans at Thursday’s recall debate, Kevin Kiley, Kevin Faulconer, and John Cox, probably wouldn’t mind having a little of that Hollywood money.

The Republican candidates said as governor they would stop mask mandates job losses for those who don’t get Covid shots.

All of that may be music to the ears of the more than 120 people who swarmed the San Diego County Supervisors meeting this week. They demanded the county chair, Nathan Fletcher, cease Covid mandates and stop interfering with their lives.

Fletcher, a Democrat who’s married to a labor union organizer turned lawmaker who killed thousands of California freelance jobs, “ignored” the hours-long testimony except to shake a finger and tell the peasants to pipe down every once in a while.

They didn’t.

A man featured in a recent viral video lecturing supervisors about their bad Covid data made a new appearance.

Shaun Frederickson told the lawmakers they were still using bad data. “We’re here to inform you the people have spoken, COVID is over. The numbers you stated are propaganda.”


Parents, coaches, and kids all spoke.

Gym owner Louis Uridel urged the supervisors to keep things open and free and said he doesn’t plan to be the mask and vaccine police for the government.

“I will never submit to any request to requirement to wear masks or vaccine mandates. I will never submit to rules, that segregate or dismantle people and put them against each other.

… you want to know why there is so much kickback on this? We simply don’t trust you. And why would we? It’s gone from two weeks to flatten the curve, to show me your papers if you want to work here.”


Then Matt Baker from Ocean Beach brought some sound effects and rage. And ended up stealing the show. “The people know once you get power you will never relinquish it!”

Supervisor Fletcher, “He/Him/His,” showed the way for how all Democrats should respond to smart, well-educated and well-intentioned constituents who think he’s wrong.


After listening to hours of testimony, one can imagine that the part-time professor sat down later at his computer, kicked off his shoes, and wrote these words to the voters of San Diego County. Chardonnay may have been involved.

Please stop saying you “researched it.”

You didn’t research anything and its highly probably that you don’t even know how to do so.

Did you compile a literature review and write abstracts on each article? Or better yet, did you collect a random sample of sources and perform independent probability statistics on the reported results? No?

Did you at least take each article, one by one and look into the source (that would be the author, publisher, and funder) then critique the writing for logical fallacies, cognitive distortions, and just plain inaccuracies. [sic]

[…] No? Then you didn’t f*cking research anything. You read or watched a video [sic], most likely with little to no objectivity. You came across something in your algorithm manipulated feed, something that jived [sic] with your implicit biases and served your confirmation bias, and subconsciously applied your emotional filters and called it proof.


Makes you wonder. Does he do that for every decision he makes?


Speaking of people who have no time to look at the data and evidence and are more interested in doing what cool kids are doing, this story comes from the University of Washington Medical Center where transplant teams have told several people who have been waiting for livers and hearts that they can’t have them without a Covid shot.

As I wrote this week at PJ Media, Sam Allen was on the transplant list for 2-1/2 years – before Covid.

It’s not like the 64-year-old Allen is shooting up heroin or smoking meth and living in a tent city blighting one of Seattle’s finer neighborhoods. He hasn’t blocked any freeways or burned a police precinct. He’s not a pimp or a crack-ho, both of whom have no problems getting free medical care and free drug paraphernalia. No, Allen is a guy who lives in a rural area and has been reading the evidence of how the Covid shot isn’t the best thing for his compromised [heart…]

Oh. I wonder if Allen “compiled a literature review and wrote abstracts on each article” he read about the heart problems with the Covid shot or “collected a random sample of sources and performed independent probability statistics on the reported results.”

And finally, from Oregon, Governor Kate Brown wants to go back into mandate and lockdown mode again. Most county sheriffs don’t plan to help her. Here’s a note from Tillamook County Sheriff Joshua Brown telling his constituents not to worry because his guys aren’t the mask police.

A message from Tillamook County Sheriff Joshua Brown:

With the recent surge in Covid hospitalizations, I have been receiving inquires from the media and public regarding enforcement of the Governor’s mask mandate. The simple answer to that question is that the Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office will not be enforcing any mask mandate. I could easily fall back on the adage that we just don’t have the personnel to accomplish this daunting task – which is true – but that would not represent the entirety of the reason for my decision.

The fact is, I don’t believe it is the role of the Sheriff’s Office to enforce what is essentially an Oregon Health Authority directive, not a criminal one. TCSO is not the enforcement arm for OHA and my deputies will not be treating people like criminals if they choose to not wear a mask.

I believe that there is a certain amount of personal responsibility that each of us has and lately seems to be forgotten. If you are not feeling well, whether you suspect its Covid, the flu, the common cold or any other communicable disease, please contact your healthcare provider and consider staying home. Please, don’t go to work, shopping or to a function or event when you are sick. This is what I hope people were doing before Covid, and what we will do after. If you are concerned that an event or activity could potentially be a “spreader” event, then don’t attend it.

A simple remedy for the customer who finds themselves in a business that is making a choice different to their own beliefs in a way that makes them uncomfortable is to simply leave and not frequent that business any longer. If a customer is not complying with the wishes of a business, a representative from that business can ask the customer to comply or leave the premises. If the customer doesn’t comply with that request, then the business should contact law enforcement.

While we will not be enforcing the mask mandate, we will be enforcing crimes such as Harassment and Trespass. If a customer in a business located within the county refuses to leave an establishment after being asked to do so, or there is a physical altercation with another person, Deputies will respond and investigate as they do for other suspected criminal activity.

I hope this clears up any questions regarding this issue. Please stay safe.

Joshua Brown
Tillamook County Sheriff


Is there a Sheriff of the Year award?

Until next time.


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