The 'Recall Gavin Newsom' Effort Just Got an Artsy Assist from SABO

(Image credit: SABO)

The campaign to recall California Governor Newsom has gotten a boost from an unusual source.

The street artist SABO has put himself in the middle of the fray to knock Governor Newsom off his Sacramento perch and he’s done it in his usual artful and sardonic way.


The group heading an effort to recall Newsom has collected more than 800,000 signatures of the nearly 1.5 million they need. In November, a judge gave the group a COVID-related 120-day extension to collect signatures.

Newsom’s shutdowns and The French Laundry visit have breathed new life into the recall effort. Tom Del Beccaro who leads the Rescue California campaign told Politico he hopes the extension in signature gathering puts them over the top.

Nearly two decades after California Republicans successfully fueled the drive to recall Democratic Gov. Gray Davis and catapult Arnold Schwarzenegger to the state’s top spot, the GOP faithful are hoping the court ruling will be a “game changer,” said Tom Del Beccaro, chair of the drive.

“It makes all the difference in the world for us,” said Del Beccaro, former chair of the California Republican Party. “So now we have an extended life, and we’re not competing with the [presidential] election anymore.”

One of the leaders of RecallGavin2020,  Mike Netter, told OANN that Newsom’s bizarre COVID shutdowns, the Employment Development Department scandal that has sucked a billion dollars of taxpayer funds from the public coffers, and the governor’s hypocritical double-standard-dinner at The French Laundry are just some of the latest reasons to give him the boot. But the group cites several other reasons why they wanted him gone in the first place.


Unaffordable housing. Record homelessness. Rising crime. Failing schools. Independent contractors thrown out of work. Exploding pension debt. And now, a locked down population while the prisons are emptied. Hold Gavin Newsom accountable. Gavin Newsom must go.

SABO cites Newsom’s curfew and “canceling” Thanksgiving and now Christmas as reasons he says he “had to hang this crappy individual in effigy.” So he did.

On California’s iconic Venice Beach landmark the “clownerina,” SABO strung a gruesome depiction of Newsom on the hands of the tutu-wearing puppet.

(Image credit: SABO)

SABO made a video made about the art installation (see it below) and noted that Newsom’s California shutdowns, lockdowns, and responses to COVID reminded him of something.

“During China’s cultural revolution, the Red Guard had determined that the way to do away with the country was to get rid of the Four Olds. Old ideas, old cultures, old habits, old customs. That’s why they’re doing away with our holidays. That’s why they’re shutting down our businesses, taking down our statues, poisoning our pastimes like football and basketball. The has nothing to do with your health. These are vile people and Gavin Newsom is one of them.”


Did he make his point? Comment below.


Victoria Taft is the host of “The Adult in the Room Podcast With Victoria Taft” where you can hear her series on “Antifa Versus Mike Strickland.” Find it  here.  Follow her on Facebook,  TwitterParlerMeWeMinds @VictoriaTaft 

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