Joe Biden Literally Just Plagiarized Bernie and AOC's Leftist Platforms as His Own

AP Photo/Elise Amendola

It’s uncanny. Bernie Sanders writes something and it comes out of Joe Biden’s mouth.

Stumbling word for word.

The front-running Democratic candidate is once again being given the organized Left’s full-throated endorsement and, why wouldn’t they? Biden has literally stolen – plagiarized – their very words and platforms, as an oppo-research study has just revealed.


On MSNBC Bernie Sanders said if Joe does what he says he’ll do, Biden will be the most far-Left – “progressive” –  president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

And that’s saying something, since Bernie is a legit far-Leftist — a  “democratic socialist,” whatever that means.

Hey Wait, Joe Looks Like Bernie

Biden has signed on to Sanders’s ban on charter schools at a time when 74% of black parents and 69% of parents overall support it, but obeisance to the teachers’ union cartel requires it.

Biden Literally Plagiarized AOC and Bernie’s Homework

That’s not the only issue that Biden has literally plagiarized from Sanders’ and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s “unity task force” platforms for his presidential run.


Do you doubt?

Here are Joe and Bernie’s exact plans to get rid of police officers and replace them with social workers. Indeed, Biden recently referred to the police as “the enemy.”

Federal funding to create a civilian corps of unarmed first responders such as social workers, EMTs, and trained mental health professionals, who can handle non- violent emergencies including order maintenance violations, mental health emergencies, and low-level conflicts outside the criminal justice system, freeing police officers to concentrate on the most serious crimes.

That’s straight out of the socialists’ playbook.

Here’s Biden’s “workplace democracy plan” for the economy which includes – stop me if you’ve heard this before – a $15.00 minimum wage.

Cradle-to-grave social workers for people who would have been better served with nuclear families, which, as Black Lives Matter reminds us, are in need of destruction.

We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.

Biden: Bernie, Ya Got a Spark Notes on an Economic Plan?

Joe cribbed Bernie’s disability agenda and social security agenda.


Biden’s environmental plan looks like it’s straight out of AOC’s solar airplane idea-land, though, we note, those airplanes didn’t make Biden’s plan. However, the environment is in a state of emergency and we’re all going to die in (checks watch) ten years. Wait, or is it nine?

Climate change is a global emergency. We have no time to waste in taking action to protect Americans’ lives and futures. From Houston, Texas, to Paradise, California; from San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Davenport, Iowa, the last four years have seen record-breaking storms, devastating wildfires, and historic floods.

Floods, pestilence, fires are an environmental disaster. Never mind that we do not allow firefighters to put out fires or manage forests anymore. Quiet. Conform. We’re in a “climate crisis” here, people. Bernie – er – I mean Joe said so.

Scientists inform us we must achieve net-zero carbon emissions across our economy as quickly as possible in order to avoid the worst consequences of the climate crisis. The United States— and the world—is currently heading well over the remaining carbon budget allowed to achieve that goal.

Biden’s ‘Carbon Budget’

Please note: this is the moment when the phrase “carbon budget” came into national prominence.

But back to Bernie and Joe. Look, Joe, if you’re going to steal someone’s ideas, which you have a history of doing, then why did you leave Bernie’s name at the top of the worksheet?


Do you have your own ideas?

And why wouldn’t you steal someone’s ideas who supports more independence and freedom instead of the antifa and Marxist rabble on the streets?

The so-called “BIDEN-SANDERS UNITY TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATIONS,” with AOC giving an assist, looks like a far-Leftist agenda because it is.

Indeed, Sanders ratified that on Wednesday with his comments on MSNBC.

And now you know.

Why Did Joe Biden Call Police ‘The Enemy?’

Joe Biden Has a Basket of Deplorables Moment

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