Google Associates California GOP With ... Nazism

Google logo. (Photo: Sipa France via AP Images)

On Thursday, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) shared a screenshot of Google listing “Nazism” as the “ideology” of the California Republican Party.


“Dear Google, This is a disgrace. Stop The Bias,” McCarthy tweeted.

According to the screenshot, Google described the California Republican Party as “the California affiliate of the United States Republican Party. The party chairman is Jim Brulte, and is based in Burbank, California, a suburb of Los Angeles. The CRP also has a headquarters in Sacramento.” So far, so good.

Then, Google listed “ideology.” Along with “Conservatism, Market liberalism, Fiscal conservatism, [and] Green conservatism,” the search giant added, “Nazism.” Yep, National Socialism, the ideology of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party.

Tragically, this is far from the first time Republicans have been compared to National Socialists. J.K. Rowling mocked Piers Morgan for refusing to compare President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) compared Trump’s rise to that of Hitler, and the New York Times‘s Charles Blow said Trump lies like Hitler.


Democrats refused to disavow an ad slandering a Virginia Republican governor candidate as a genocidal racist, even though the candidate in question — Ed Gillespie — had publicly disavowed the white nationalist riots in Charlottesville.

This isn’t even the first time Google has targeted conservatives. According to James Damore, a former senior software engineer at the tech company, Google has targeted a secret conservative mailing list to eliminate right-leaning employees.


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