Nude Melania Pic Sparks Trump Attack on Heidi Cruz

Ted and Heidi Cruz (AP Photo/Gerry Broome)

An anti-Trump Super PAC unleashed a Facebook ad in Utah which featured a nude photo of Melania Trump, from her days as a model. This led frontrunner Donald Trump to respond with a tweet against Ted Cruz, who fired back in kind.


The conservative Super PAC Make America Awesome started the spousal war with a scandalous photo of Trump’s wife, with the caption: “Meet Melania Trump. Your next first lady. Or you could support Ted Cruz on Tuesday.”

Since the photo encouraged Utahns to back Cruz, Trump decided to attack the Texas senator for it. He deleted the first tweet, which the Washington Post‘s Chris Cillizza caught to preserve for posterity. Trump threatened to “spill the beans on your wife.”

Then Trump tweeted a similar message again, doubling down on the attacks against “Lyin’ Ted” and the threat to “spill the beans” on Heidi Cruz.


Cruz responded by calling Trump a “coward” for attacking his wife, Heidi. He also insisted that the picture of Melania was not from Cruz or his campaign, but from an unaffiliated group.

These events led the Associated Press to report on the high levels of…ahem…debate which occur in the Republican primary.

It is still unclear what Trump meant by saying he will “spill the beans” on Heidi Cruz, but some of the quips in response were perfect.

Heidi Cruz was trending on Twitter Tuesday night, as Trump supporters attacked the Texas senator’s wife and Cruz supporters stood up for her.


The most impressive bit, however, came from former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, who attacked Trump earlier in the night.

Does this mark a new low in presidential politics, or is it par for the course?


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