This New Jersey Teen Had a Manifesto and a Massacre Plan, Yet You Didn’t Hear a Thing About It

Sarah Silbiger/Pool via AP, File

The establishment media was far too busy to take much notice. After all, it had to explain to us how Old Joe Biden’s rudeness reveals that he is, contrary too appearances, sharp as a tack. And this particular mass murderer’s manifesto and massacre plot didn’t exactly come Hollywood-ready, complete with a white supremacist spouting Bible verses in between cries of “Sieg heil!” and “This is MAGA country!”


Nonetheless, this case demonstrated yet again that while the Biden regime’s “Justice” Department is busy fabricating “insurrections” and tracking angry parents at school board meetings as if they were terrorists, there are some actual terrorists still out there plotting.

The alleged Justice Department was able to spare a few people from their framing-Trump duties to pursue this case and announced on Wednesday that “a Middlesex County, New Jersey, man today admitted transmitting via the internet a manifesto containing threats to attack a synagogue and Jewish people.” Oh, one of those Nazis that Republicans are encouraging and abetting these days, eh? Not quite.

The feds’ press release continues: “Omar Alkattoul, 19, of Sayreville, New Jersey, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Robert Kirsch in Trenton federal court to an information charging him with one count of transmitting a threat in interstate and foreign commerce on or about Nov. 1, 2022.”

U.S. Attorney Sellinger stated, “This defendant admitted using social media to send a manifesto containing a threat to attack a synagogue based on his hatred of Jews. This prompted a statewide alert and put the community on edge.”

Sellinger continued piously, “Alkattoul will now face sentencing for his crime, and we intend to seek a sentence that will hold him accountable. No one should be targeted for violence or with acts of hate because of how they worship. Protecting our communities of faith and places of worship is at the heart of this office’s mission.” Yeah, sure it is unless they’re traditional Catholics.


Omar Alkattoul wasn’t just planning to protest at an abortion center or engage in something else today’s DOJ finds especially heinous. Instead, “on Nov. 1, 2022, Alkattoul used a social media application to send an individual a link to a document entitled ‘When Swords Collide’ and admitted to this individual that he wrote the document.” Alkattoul apparently “also sent the document to at least five other people using another social media application.” The teen “admitted targeting a synagogue. He stated in the document: ‘It’s in the context of an attack on Jews.’”

Related: This Guy Stole a School Bus and Wrote of Shedding Blood for Allah, So a Leftist Judge Did Just What You’d Expect

Where might this young man have learned to be so anti-Semitic as to desire to do violence to Jews in New Jersey? The Justice Department will never even come close to investigating this, much less admitting it, but the impetus for his attack plan could have come from the Islamic holy book, the Qur’an, which calls Jews the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82) and contains an enormous number of other anti-Semitic passages.

The Jews are said to fabricate things and falsely ascribe them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181) and claim that Allah’s power is limited (5:64). They disobey Allah and never observe his commands (5:13). They are portrayed as having a truly demonic desire to destroy people: they hide the truth and mislead people (3:78), wish evil upon people and trying to mislead them (2:109), and feel pain when others are happy or fortunate (3:120). They are under Allah’s curse (9:30), and Muslims should wage war against them and subjugate them under Islamic hegemony (9:29).


None of this, however, fits the Justice Department paradigm of shooters with manifestos. If those manifestos are filled with white supremacist declarations and praise for prominent patriotic politicians and spokesmen, then they’re given lavish law enforcement and media attention. But when the shooter is a man who thinks he is a woman or a woman who thinks she is a man, such as Audrey Hale, who murdered six people at Christian Covenant School in Nashville, Tenn., then the manifesto is of no importance and is not even released to the public.

It’s the same story with Omar Alkattoul’s manifesto. It doesn’t fit the establishment media narrative, so they’re not likely to tell us anything about his plot or his beliefs. It’s one of the most effective forms of censorship: just pretend that what doesn’t fit the narrative didn’t even happen at all. Leftists have demonstrated over the last few years that they are masters at this.


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