Bat-Guano-Crazy Georgia Grand Jury Foreman Is Apparently Also a Witch

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Emily Kohrs is the Fulton County, Ga., grand jury foreperson who went on an unsanctioned — and unbelievable — media tour to talk about what she swore an oath not to talk about — the Trump election interference case.


Stephen Green could barely believe what the Bella Ramsey look-alike was saying about the case. Kohrs’ loose lips are likely to torpedo any efforts to indict Trump or his associates, and the question is, “Why?”

In truth, for those wondering about Ms. Kohrs’ motivations, perhaps we should consult a coven of witches or cast a magic spell. It appears Kohrs has a fascination with witchcraft and other supernatural subjects.

“Her Pinterest page has several collections of pinned posts dedicated to magic, casting spells, herbalist, and sacred science,” reports the Daily Mail.

Kohrs lives in Georgia and has previously been employed as a scheduling coordinator at Elizabeth Gallo Court Reporting LLC, according to her LinkedIn page and at JOANN Fabrics, according to her Facebook page, which shows the 30-year-old in photos dating back for years with her family and friends.

Her Pinterest page has several collections of pinned posts dedicated to magic, casting spells, herbalist, and sacred science.

Some of the pins give instructions for magic spells and casting circles, while others lists herbs and other supplies needed for the spells.

Who knew that witches were such blabbermouths? Former federal prosecutor Elie Honig told Anderson Cooper that Kohrs’ interviews were a “horrible idea” and a “nightmare” for prosecutors.

“Mark my words, Donald Trump’s team is going to make a motion if there’s an indictment to dismiss that indictment based on grand jury impropriety,” he added. “She’s not supposed to be talking about anything, really.”


As for Trump, he responded as he usually does — with a carefully worded statement looking to play down any improprieties.

“Now you have an extremely energetic young woman, the (get this!) ‘foreperson’ of the Racist D.A.’s Special Grand Jury, going around and doing a Media Tour revealing, incredibly, the Grand Jury’s inner workings & thoughts,” Trump said. “This is not JUSTICE, this is an illegal Kangaroo Court. Atlanta is leading the Nation in Murder and other Violent Crimes. All I did is make TWO PERFECT PHONE CALLS!!!”

Well… maybe not so “carefully worded.”

The Wall Street Journal says that “She rolled her eyes and then burst out laughing… ‘Did he really say that?’ she replied. ‘Oh, that’s fantastic. That’s phenomenal. I love it.’”

“Lady Justice is supposed to wear a blindfold, not mock the potential accused,” the Journal said.

There was probably a lot of champagne-popping at Mar-a-Largo this week. Get a load of some of her statements from one of the six interviews she gave on Tuesday.

“Can you imagine doing this for eight months and not coming out with a whole list” of recommended indictments, Kohrs told CNN. “It’s not a short list. It’s not.”


Fox News:

Clips circulating online of the 30-year-old woman smirking and bursting into giggles while teasing the grand jury’s recommended indictments – which have not yet been made public – raised concerns from even liberal media figures that she could be “destroying” the prosecution’s case.

In all her appearances, she appeared to strongly hint that Trump was among those recommended for criminal charges – the grand jury she was on did not have indictment powers. On television, her grins and coy behavior were odd enough that even left-wing MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell, after playing clips of her NBC interview, felt compelled to say she was not a seasoned media professional.

Oh, c’mon, Larry! She’s bat-guano crazy. It will do no good looking through that manure pile for a pony.

“I thought it would be really cool to get sixty seconds with President Trump of me looking at him, and being like, ‘Do you solemnly swear—’ and me getting to swear him in. I just thought that would be an awesome moment,” she said excitedly in one widely shared clip.

Meanwhile, the concern on the left is not for the integrity of the grand jury process. There is much weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth because any indictment of the former president might be compromised.

“She shouldn’t be doing this,” legal analyst Dan Abrams told ABC News. “It isn’t helpful to the perception of the objectivity of the criminal justice system, and it starts to feel like she’s putting pressure on the district attorney to actually move forward with charges.”


Legal experts said Kohrs’ chatty media interviews were not necessarily ruinous in interviews with Fox News Digital, but they said they were certainly unusual and unhelpful in convincing the public of the seriousness of the case.

When asked about the impact of Kohrs’ media appearances, Gerard Filitti, senior counsel at the international nonprofit legal think tank The Lawfare Project, said that the conduct “certainly raises eyebrows.”

Kohrs is kinda flaky. And she’s giving the left a case of the vapors because they’ve been trying to indict Donald Trump for four years and have swung and missed numerous times. They really thought they had him this time, but in the immortal words of Snidely Whiplash: “Curses, foiled again.”


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