Gallup surveyed 33 nations in Latin America and the Caribbean and found that a whopping 27 percent of 450 million people wanted to leave home. Further, of those who wanted to leave their homes permanently, 35 percent, or 42 million people, wanted to emigrate to the U.S.
Seekers of citizenship or asylum are watching to determine exactly when and how is the best time to make their move.
In addition to finding a solution for the thousands of migrants currently at the border, let’s include the bigger, harder question — what about all of those who would like to come? What is the message to them?
What is the 10-year plan?
330 million U.S. citizens are wondering. So are 42 million Latin Americans.
This is an instance where our hearts are getting in the way of our heads. We like to think of America as a welcoming oasis for the poor and downtrodden of the world. Otherwise, what’s the Statue of Liberty for?
But the reality is far less romantic. Billions of people around the world could be considered “poor and downtrodden” as well as oppressed, persecuted, and hunted. They live in hovels in some countries, corrugated tin houses in others. Many don’t even have homes. Or enough to eat. Or clean water to drink.
Simply put, we can’t save them all.
These potential migrants don’t see the U.S. as a racist, oppressor state — an inconvenient fact that is never mentioned by BLM and the rainbow of racial rights groups that drone on and on about “white privilege,” and “systemic racism.” Why do they want to come?
Perhaps it’s for clean water. Maybe it’s because a generous government will feed them and clothe them and house them. More likely, they want to wake up in the morning and not feel like they’re taking their lives in their hands just by walking out the door.
We can sympathize with them. We can feel for them. But we can’t shelter them all. And simply because they show up at our border doesn’t mean we have to throw out the welcome mat and let them in. There are millions of people around the world who have gone to U.S. embassies, filled out the paperwork, jumped through the state department and immigration hoops — all to come here legally.
Most of them are just as oppressed as those who show up at our borders. The difference is, they can’t walk here. So they stand patiently in line while those who came here without documents or even bothering to apply are served ahead of them.
Times are tough for most people who don’t live in the U.S. or the West. Chronic unemployment is one reason so many make the long walk to our border. They want jobs and believe it will be easier to get on in America.
“Expectations were created that with the government of President Biden there would be a better treatment of migrants,” Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said at his daily press conference on Tuesday. “And this has caused Central American migrants, and also from our country, wanting to cross the border thinking that it is easier to do so.”
Single adults account for 82% of the apprehensions so far this fiscal year, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data. Some 60% of all single adults apprehended were Mexicans. Border patrol agents say the majority of single adults they catch are men, entering to look for work such as picking fruits and vegetables, roofing and dishwashing.
Mexico lost more than 2 million jobs last year. Should the U.S. become the world’s job bank too?
It’s not selfish to want to control your own border. There are 190 nations in the world that are able to keep control of their own borders without criticism from left-wing open-borders freaks and pressure from ethnic and racial lobbies who see a political advantage to letting more of a certain race or ethnicity into the United States. They may not be able to vote, but the census will count them and that’s money in the bank.
I’m sick and tired of being called a “racist” or “heartless” because I favor intelligent border policies that make everyone stand in the same line to enter the U.S. legally. Proximity to the United States shouldn’t matter. A desire to contribute should.
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