Pro-Migrant Filmmakers Robbed Filming at Refugee Camp

(AP Photo/Michel Spingler)

Schadenfreude on steroids.

Two Dutch filmmakers documenting the deplorable conditions at a Calais refugee camp known as “The Jungle” were themselves robbed at knifepoint. They were filming a pro-immigration documentary titled “Calais: Welcome to the Jungle.” You won’t believe how one of them excused the brutal robbery.


Daily Caller:

The Jungle has been home to 5,000 refugees and is located close to the tunnel connecting France and the United Kingdom. Refugees aspiring to settle in the U.K. began occupying the ground during the fall and it has since grown to a large community on the side of the highway.

Authorities started demolishing the campsite Monday and moved the migrants to containers next to The Jungle. The refugees have violently protested the eviction by throwing Molotov cocktails at police. Two bulldozers were also set on fire Friday morning, which postponed the eviction procedure.

Engels — who is making the documentary to portray refugees in a good light — said it was important to publish the video to show the full picture of The Jungle.

“Within every community, among the good ones, you’ll always find a couple of assholes,” Engels wrote on her Facebook page. “‘The Jungle’ is no exception.”

Engels went on to explain the behavior with the simple condition the migrants live under in The Jungle.

“But I guess living under such deplorable conditions the less creative, intelligent and ambitious are very likely to become small criminals, because they’ve got nothing higher to aim at,” Engels said.


“Thank you sir, may I have another.”

There sits a man who deserved to be robbed. And perhaps the incident should be repeated because it didn’t take the first time. To excuse violence committed against you because acknowledging the truth would prove your worldview to be wildly incorrect is idiotic.

But no matter. If the refugees living in “The Jungle” have “got nothing higher to aim at” than robbing and rioting, the filmmakers will still have something interesting to record.


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