GOP Launches Major Offensive Against Elizabeth Warren to Take Her Out Before 2020

(AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)

The Republican Party understands that Elizabeth Warren could very well end up the Democratic presidential nominee in 2020. And so they’ve decided to launch a major offensive against her already:


Republicans are getting a jump on Elizabeth Warren’s 2020 presidential campaign.

The Massachusetts Democrat is preparing to run for re-election to the Senate in 2018 and hasn’t said yet whether she’ll challenge President Donald Trump for the White House. But in-state and national Republican officials have decided to target the liberal icon anyway, saying they will try to inflict enough damage during the Senate race to harm any future presidential effort — and perhaps dissuade her from running altogether.

The only thing better than a fight between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump would be one between Warren and The Donald. He has already taken to calling her “Pocahontas” because she made up a Native American heritage.

Warren didn’t claim to be a Native American until her 30s and may have only listed it to score a job. At that point, she was listed under the minority section of a law teachers for-hire directory. Harvard later promoted her Native American heritage.

Just imagine what the GOP and Trump have on her and how they can use her own fraudulent stories to destroy her image — not only among actual minority voters but also among white, middle-class voters; you know, the ones who handed Trump’s victory to him. Oh man, this is going to be a blast!


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