Virginia Democrat Wants Legislation to Criminalize Parents Who Won't Affirm Gender Identity or Sexuality of Children

AP Photo/Steve Helber

It’s not enough for the radical groomer left to separate parents from children through school counselors who refuse to tell parents what pronouns their own children want to be called. Now a Democrat in Virginia, Elizabeth Guzman, wants parents who don’t bow to the gender cult to go to jail.


No, really. 

Here she is in her own words, discussing the penalties for not affirming an “LGBTQ child’s” sexuality or gender identity.

“This is how we’re going to push back,” said Guzman, discussing a bill she intended to put forward to the Virginia assembly. “There’s an investigation in place that is not only from a social worker but also a police investigation…it could be a felony, it could be a misdemeanor,” she said while smirking. Guzman wants CPS unleashed on parents who won’t agree to cutting off the breasts of their healthy minor daughters. “A CPS investigation could harm your employment, could harm your education,” she said, smugly threatening parents who may hold deep religious or philosophical disagreements with woke gender ideology.

Once this interview went viral, Democrat House Minority Leader Don Scott Jr. had to step in and do damage control. Scott told reporters that any such bill would be “dead on arrival.”


But this isn’t the first time Guzman has tried this. Scott said she introduced the same legislation in 2020 when Democrats had control of both chambers of the assembly. The bill died in a subcommittee without a vote.

“We already have laws on the books to protect children from abuse and neglect, for whatever reason,” said Scott. “We don’t need a new bill or a new reason.”

Guzman tried to walk back her inflammatory statements on Friday, and tweeted that the WJLA story “mischaracterized a pro-safety, anti-abuse bill I introduced in 2020 to protect LGBTQ youth.” I doubt they mischaracterized anything. But it did make me wonder how many innocent Virginia families she’s terrorized with threats to criminalize the free exercise of their religious rights and right to parent their own children. Guzman claims she is a social worker. As such, she’s likely able to arrange for children to be taken from their parents. PJ Media reached out to her to ask how many children she has removed from parents who did not affirm their child’s body dysmorphia. As of publishing, she did not respond.

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Guzman posted a long thread on Twitter blaming the bad right-wingers for making her look stupid. I think she did that all by herself. The Washington Post ran to her aid and tried to fact-check the critics.


Guzman’s measure speaks only to physical or mental abuse inflicted on a child. There is no mention of gender-affirming medical treatments, although some Republicans suggested that parents might be accused of inflicting emotional abuse if they are not supportive of their child’s LGBTQ identity.

What is “mental abuse?” Is it saying, “No, I won’t call you by a male name when you are a female?” Is it saying, “No, son, you can’t wear dresses?” Guzman never specified. The television station posted the unedited version of the interview, which included the below exchange that was not in the edited version.

“Are you saying non-affirming parents are committing abuse against their children if they don’t affirm their gender identity or sexual orientation?” Minock asked.

“No,” Guzman said, “I’m not saying that.”

Minock used the word “affirm” several times when referring to the bill, and Guzman never pointed out that the word is not in the bill. But she said nothing about seeking criminal charges for anything other than the physical or mental abuse described in her original bill.

“So this law is telling you, ‘Do not abuse your children because they are LGBTQ,’ ” she said at one point.

But this explanation makes no sense. There are already laws on the books about abusing children — any children — in Virginia. What would be different about abusing an LGBT child unless it had something to do with their gender identity or sexuality? The doublespeak and back-peddling are obvious. When Democrats are caught saying the quiet part out loud, they get a lot of help from their friends in Big Media to try to cover it up. But you can take it to the bank that Democrats want to criminalize your right to parent. If you don’t believe me, look up Proposition 3 in Michigan or the insane push to force porn on children despite parents’ objections.


Garren Shipley, a spokesman for the House GOP leadership, had the right take, according to the WaPo. “If that bill was misrepresented then she misrepresented it when she spoke to that reporter,” he said. Shipley also pointed out that Guzman never corrected the reporter when he used the word “affirming.”



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